Uses of Class

Packages that use ModelException
com.sibvisions.rad.model Contains model implementations. 
com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem Contains all storage independent model classes. 
com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote Contains model implementations for accessing remote data. 
com.sibvisions.rad.persist Contains implementations of the persistence definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc Contains all database specific persistence implementations. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext Contains all swing extensions which can be used without the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.celleditor Contains components for creating editors. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control Contains Swing control implementations based on the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
javax.rad.genui.control Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent control interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.model Contains all model interfaces, abstract base and exception classes. 
javax.rad.model.datatype Contains all CellType classes. 
javax.rad.model.event Contains all model event classes and interfaces. 
javax.rad.model.reference Contains classes for model references. 
javax.rad.model.ui Contains UI relevant interface definitions. 
javax.rad.persist Contains classes and interfaces needed for java persistence. 
javax.rad.ui.control Contains all interfaces to develop controls for a graphical user interface. 

Uses of ModelException in com.sibvisions.rad.model

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model that throw ModelException
static void DataBookUtil.writeCSV(IDataBook pBook, OutputStream pStream, String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort)
          Writes all rows and values of a databook, as comma separated values to a stream.
static void DataBookUtil.writeCSV(IDataBook pBook, OutputStream pStream, String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, String pSeparator)
          Writes all rows and values of a databook, as comma separated values to a stream.

Uses of ModelException in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem that throw ModelException
protected  void MemDataPage.addFetchedRow(Object[] pValues)
          It adds an new IDataRow to the DataPage in the object[] storage.
protected  void MemDataBook.clearFilterSortInMemDataPages()
          It clears all mem filter sorts in the MemDataPages.
 IDataRow DataRow.createDataRow(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns a cloned IDataRow with only a subset of specified column names.
 IDataRow DataRow.createEmptyRow(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns a new empty IDataRow with only a subset of column's, specified by a String[] of column names.
 void MemDataBook.delete()
          It deletes the selected DataRow.
 boolean MemDataPage.delete(int pDataRowIndex)
          Marks the specified row as Deleted with the given index in the MemDataPage.
 void MemDataBook.deleteAllDataRows()
          It deletes all DataRows.
protected  void MemDataBook.executeDelete()
          Its called when the deleting DataRow (delete row) should be deleted.
protected  void MemDataBook.executeInsert()
          Its called when the inserting DataRow (new row) should be inserted.
protected  void MemDataBook.executeLockAndRefetch()
          Its called before the DataRow (existing row) will be changed.
protected  void MemDataBook.executeRefresh()
          It will be called, when the MemDataBook will be completely refreshed.
protected  void MemDataBook.executeUpdate()
          Its called when the updating DataRow (changed row) should be updated Derived classed should override this to implemented the needed functionality.
 void MemDataPage.fetchAll()
          It fetches all IDataRow's from the storage.
 void MemDataBook.fetchAll()
          It fetches all IDataRow's from the storage.
 void MemDataPage.fetchToRow(int pRowIndex)
          Will/should be overridden in the derived Classes to fetch data from the storage.
 int[] MemDataBook.getChangedDataRows()
          Returns an int array with all changed rows.
 IDataPage MemDataBook.getDataPage(IDataRow pMasterDataRow)
          Returns the corresponding IDataPage to specified master row from the master DataBook.
 IDataPage MemDataBook.getDataPage(IDataRow pRootRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath and root row.
 IDataPage MemDataBook.getDataPage(TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath.
 IDataPage MemDataBook.getDataPageWithRootRow(IDataRow pRootDataRow)
          Returns the corresponding IDataPage to specified root row from the root DataBook.
 IChangeableDataRow MemDataPage.getDataRow(int pDataRowIndex)
          Returns a copy of the IDataRow of the specified index.
 IChangeableDataRow MemDataBook.getDataRow(int pDataRowIndex)
          Returns a copy of the IDataRow of the specified index.
protected  Object[] MemDataPage.getDataRowStorage(int pDataRowIndex)
          Returns the internal storage for the specified DataRow Object[].
 int MemDataPage.getEstimatedRowCount()
          Returns -1.
 int MemDataBook.getEstimatedRowCount()
          Returns the row count in IDBAccess for this RemoteDataBook.
 IDataRow MemDataBook.getMasterDataRow()
          Returns the corresponding master row to this IDataPage in the master DataBook.
 int[] MemDataBook.getOnlyIUDChangedDataRows()
          Returns only all Changed DataRows with the states isInserting(), isUpdating(), isDeleting().
 IDataRow MemDataBook.getOriginalRow()
          Returns the original row, before the first change is made.
 IDataRow ChangeableDataRow.getOriginalRow()
          Returns the original row, before the first change is made.
 int MemDataPage.getRowCount()
          Returns the size.
 int MemDataBook.getRowCount()
          Returns the size.
 String MemDataBook.getSelectedColumn()
          Returns the selected column in the IDataBook.
 int MemDataBook.getSelectedRow()
          Returns the selected row index in the IDataBook.
 Object MemDataBook.getUID()
          Returns the internal unique identifier for a IChangeableDataRow, which isInserting().
 Object ChangeableDataRow.getUID()
          Returns the internal unique identifier for a IChangeableDataRow, which isInserting().
 Object DataRow.getValue(int pColumnIndex)
          Returns the value of the column by index.
 Object MemDataBook.getValue(String pColumnName)
          Returns the value of the named column.
 Object DataRow.getValue(String pColumnName)
          Returns the value of the named column.
 String DataRow.getValueAsString(String pColumnName)
          Returns the value of the named column as String.
 Object[] MemDataBook.getValues(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns a Object[] of values from the specified columns in this IDataRow.
 Object[] DataRow.getValues(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns a Object[] of values from the specified columns in this IDataRow.
 String[] DataRow.getValuesAsString(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns the values of the named columns as String[].
 boolean MemDataBook.hasDataPage(IDataRow pMasterDataRow)
          Returns true if an IDataPage to specified master row from the master DataBook exists.
 boolean MemDataBook.hasDataPage(IDataRow pRootDataRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Returns true if an IDataPage to specified root row and TreePath from the master DataBook exists.
 int MemDataBook.insert(boolean pBeforeRow)
          It inserts a new IDataRow.
 void MemDataPage.insert(int pDataRowIndex)
          It inserts a new IChangeableDataRow in the MemDataPage at the specified index.
protected  void DataRow.invokeSaveEditingControls()
          Its invokes for each IComponent the saveEditing() method.
 boolean MemDataPage.isAllFetched()
          Returns true if all rows are loaded.
 boolean MemDataBook.isAllFetched()
          Returns true if all rows are loaded.
 boolean MemDataBook.isDeleteAllowed()
          Returns true if delete is allowed on this IDataBook.
 boolean MemDataBook.isDeleteEnabled()
          Returns true if delete is enabled on this IDataBook.
 boolean MemDataBook.isDeleting()
          Returns if this row is deleted.
 boolean ChangeableDataRow.isDeleting()
          Returns if this row is deleted.
 boolean MemDataBook.isDetailChanged()
          Returns true if under this row in the detail DataBook one or more changed (isInserting/Updating/Deleting() == true) detail rows existing.
 boolean ChangeableDataRow.isDetailChanged()
          Returns true if under this row in the detail DataBook one or more changed (isInserting/Updating/Deleting() == true) detail rows existing.
 boolean MemDataBook.isInserting()
          Returns if this row is new.
 boolean ChangeableDataRow.isInserting()
          Returns if this row is new.
 boolean MemDataBook.isUpdateAllowed()
          Returns true if update is allowed on this IDataBook.
 boolean MemDataBook.isUpdateEnabled()
          Returns true if update is enabled on this IDataBook.
 boolean MemDataBook.isUpdating()
          Returns if this row is changed.
 boolean ChangeableDataRow.isUpdating()
          Returns if this row is changed.
 boolean MemDataBook.isWritableColumnChanged()
          Returns true if one isWritableColumnChanged() column is changed.
 boolean ChangeableDataRow.isWritableColumnChanged()
          Returns true if one isWritableColumnChanged() column is changed.
          It opens the IDataSource.
          Opens the IDataBook.
 void MemDataBook.reload()
          It refreshs all IDataRow's in the IDataBook, like the was before the changes, get the data again from the storage It selects the same row (over primary key) if the SelectionMode == CURRENT_ROW in the IDataBook.
 void MemDataBook.reload(IDataBook.SelectionMode pSelectionMode)
          It refreshs all IDataRow's in the IDataBook, like the was before the changes, get the data again from the storage and selects the row with the specified SelectionMode.
 void MemDataSource.reloadAllDataBooks()
          It removes all changes from all IDataBook's till last storeAllDataBooks() call.
 void MemDataBook.reloadDataPage(IDataBook.SelectionMode pSelectionMode)
          Reload the current DataPage with the pSelectionMode.
 void MemDataBook.removeDataPage(IDataRow pMasterDataRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Removes the DataPage to the specified master DataRow or TreePath.
protected  void ChangeableDataRow.restore()
          It clears all changes in the ChangeableDataRow, and use the original values before the changes.
 void MemDataPage.restore(int pDataRowIndex)
          Restores the specified row in the MemDataPage.
 void MemDataBook.restoreAllRows()
          It restores all IDataRow's, like the was before the changes.
 void MemDataBook.restoreDataPage()
          Restores all rows in the current DataPage.
 void MemDataBook.restoreSelectedRow()
          It restores the selected IDataRow, like the was before the changes.
 void MemDataSource.saveAllDataBooks()
          It saves all changes from all IDataBook's to the IDataSource.
 void MemDataBook.saveAllRows()
          It stores all changes in the IDataRow's to the IDataSource.
 void MemDataBook.saveDataPage()
          Saves all rows in the current DataPage.
 void DataRow.saveEditingControls()
          Its invokes for each IComponent the saveEditing() method.
 void MemDataBook.saveSelectedRow()
          It stores all changes in the selected IDataRow.
 int MemDataPage.searchNext(ICondition pCondition)
          Searches the given condition.
 int MemDataBook.searchNext(ICondition pCondition)
          Searches the given condition.
 int MemDataPage.searchNext(ICondition pCondition, int pRowNum)
          Searches the given condition starting at the given position.
 int MemDataBook.searchNext(ICondition pCondition, int pRowNum)
          Searches the given condition starting at the given position.
 int MemDataPage.searchPrevious(ICondition pCondition)
          Searches the given condition.
 int MemDataBook.searchPrevious(ICondition pCondition)
          Searches the given condition.
 int MemDataPage.searchPrevious(ICondition pCondition, int pRowNum)
          Searches the given condition starting at the given position.
 int MemDataBook.searchPrevious(ICondition pCondition, int pRowNum)
          Searches the given condition starting at the given position.
protected  void MemDataPage.setDataRow(int pDataRowIndex, ChangeableDataRow pRow)
          Sets the internal storage for the specified DataRow Object[].
 void MemDataBook.setDataSource(IDataSource pDataSource)
          Sets the IDataSource for this IDataBook.
 void DataRow.setDefaultValues()
          Sets the Default Values from the RowDefinition to the DataRow.
protected  void MemDataPage.setDetailChanged(int pDataRowIndex, boolean bDetailChanged)
          Set that the details to this row are changed.
 void MemDataBook.setFilter(ICondition pFilter)
          Sets the filter for this IDataBook.
protected  void MemDataPage.setMasterDataRow(IDataRow pMasterDataRow)
          Sets a new Master DataRow, if it changes.
 void MemDataBook.setMasterReference(ReferenceDefinition pMasterReference)
          Sets the master IDataBook to this detail IDataBook over a ReferenceDefinition.
 void MemDataBook.setName(String pName)
          Set the name of the IDataBook.
 void MemDataBook.setReadOnly(boolean pReadOnly)
          Sets whether this IDataBook is read only.
 void MemDataBook.setRootReference(ReferenceDefinition pTreeRootReference)
          Sets the tree root reference.
 void MemDataBook.setRowDefinition(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition)
          Sets the IRowDefinition of the IDataBook.
 void MemDataBook.setSelectedColumn(String pColumnName)
          Sets the selected column in the IDataBook.
 void MemDataBook.setSelectedRow(int pDataRowIndex)
          Sets the selected row index in the IDataBook.
protected  void MemDataBook.setSelectedRowInternal(int pDataRowIndex)
          Sets the selected row with throwing any changed events.
 void MemDataBook.setSort(SortDefinition pSort)
          Sets the sort order for this IDataBook.
 void MemDataBook.setTreePath(TreePath pTreePath)
          Sets the tree current tree path.
 void MemDataBook.setValue(String pColumnName, Object pValue)
          Sets the value of the named column in this IDataRow.
 void DataRow.setValue(String pColumnName, Object pValue)
          Sets the value of the named column in this IDataRow.
protected  void DataRow.setValueDRInternal(String pColumnName, Object pValue)
          Sets the value of the named column in this IDataRow.
protected  void ChangeableDataRow.setValueDRInternal(String pColumnName, Object pValue)
          Sets the value of the named column in this IDataRow.
 void MemDataBook.setValues(String[] pColumnNames, Object[] pValues)
          Sets the column's values from the pValues Object[] to the this IDataRow.
 void DataRow.setValues(String[] pColumnNames, Object[] pValues)
          Sets the column's values from the pValues Object[] to the this IDataRow.
protected  void MemDataBook.setValuesInternal(String[] pColumnNames, Object[] pValues)
          It sets the values without throwing an event.
protected  void
          It stores the changes in memory as stored.
protected  void
          It stores the changes in memory as stored.
protected  boolean pDataRowIndex)
          Stores the specified row in the MemDataPage.
 void MemDataBook.update()
          It sets the selected row as UPDATING.
 void MemDataPage.update(int pDataRowIndex)
          Sets the specified row as Updating with the given index in the MemDataPage.

Uses of ModelException in com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote that throw ModelException
protected  void RemoteDataPage.addFetchedRow(Object[] pValues)
          It adds an new IDataRow to the DataPage in the object[] storage.
protected  void RemoteDataBook.executeDelete()
          Its called when the deleting DataRow (delete row) should be deleted.
protected  void RemoteDataBook.executeInsert()
          Its called when the inserting DataRow (new row) should be inserted.
protected  void RemoteDataBook.executeLockAndRefetch()
          Its called before the DataRow (existing row) will be changed.
protected  void RemoteDataBook.executeRefresh()
          It will be called, when the MemDataBook will be completely refreshed.
protected  void RemoteDataBook.executeUpdate()
          Its called when the updating DataRow (changed row) should be updated Derived classed should override this to implemented the needed functionality.
 void RemoteDataPage.fetchToRow(int pRowIndex)
          It tries to fetches to the specified row index in the storage.
 int RemoteDataPage.getEstimatedRowCount()
          Returns the count of rows in the storage for this RemoteDataPage in the RemoteDataBook.
protected  int RemoteDataBook.getFetchedRowsForBlock(IDataRow pMasterDataRow)
          Returns the amount of fetched rows per block.
          It opens the IDataSource.
          Opens the IDataBook.
 void RemoteDataBook.setBlockFetchColumnNames(String[] pBlockFetchColumnNames)
          Sets the block fetch columns.
 void RemoteDataBook.setDataSource(IDataSource pDataSource)
          Sets the IDataSource for this IDataBook.
protected  void RemoteDataBook.setFetchedRowsForBlock(IDataRow pMasterDataRow, int pFetchedRows)
          Sets the amount of fetched rows per block.

Uses of ModelException in com.sibvisions.rad.persist

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist that throw ModelException
abstract  void AbstractMemStorage.delete(DataBookEvent pEvent)
          Deletes an existing row.
 void AbstractMemStorage.doDelete(DataBookEvent pEvent)
          The delete notification method from the data book.
 void AbstractMemStorage.doInsert(DataBookEvent pEvent)
          The insert notification method from the data book.
 void AbstractMemStorage.doUpdate(DataBookEvent pEvent)
          The update notification method from the data book.
 int AbstractMemStorage.getRowCount()
          Gets the row count.
abstract  RowDefinition AbstractMemStorage.getRowDefinition()
          Returns the row definition for the internal MemDataBook.
abstract  void AbstractMemStorage.insert(DataBookEvent pEvent)
          Inserts a new row.
abstract  void AbstractMemStorage.loadData(MemDataBook pBook, ICondition pFilter)
          Loads the relevant data into the internal data book.
abstract  void AbstractMemStorage.update(DataBookEvent pEvent)
          Updates an existing row.
protected  void AbstractMemStorage.validateWithMetaData(String[] pQueryColumns, Object[] pRow)
          Validates the given row with the meta data.

Uses of ModelException in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc that throw ModelException
protected  void DBStorage.createAutomaticLinkReference(ServerMetaData pMetaData, String[] pColumns, AbstractStorage pDBStorage, String[] pReferenceColumns)
          Creates and sets a new StorageReferenceDefinition with the specified DBStorage and columns and reference columns on all pColumns.
 void DBStorage.createAutomaticLinkReference(String[] pColumns, DBStorage pDBStorage, String[] pReferenceColumns)
          Creates and sets a new StorageReferenceDefinition with the specified DBStorage and columns and reference columns on all pColumns.
 void DBStorage.createAutomaticLinkReference(String[] pColumns, String pFromClause, String[] pReferenceColumns)
          Creates and sets a new StorageReferenceDefinition with the specified FromClause and columns and reference columns on all pColumns.
 ServerColumnMetaData ServerMetaData.getServerColumnMetaData(String pServerColumnName)
          Returns the specific ServerColumnMetaData column.
protected  boolean DBStorage.hasLinkReference(ServerMetaData pMetaData, String pColumnName)
          Gets whether a column has a link reference set.
 boolean DBStorage.hasLinkReference(String pColumnName)
          Gets whether a column has a link reference set.
 void DBStorage.removeLinkReference(String pColumnName)
          Removes the link reference for an server side Dropdown list (automatic linked celleditor).

Uses of ModelException in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext that throw ModelException
 void JVxTable.dataBookChanged(DataBookEvent pDataBookEvent)
          Notifies that the IDataBook is changed.
 void JVxTree.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void JVxTable.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void JVxEditor.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void JVxChart.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void JVxEditor.setCellEditor(ICellEditor pCellEditor)
          Sets the CellEditor that edits the given column in the given DataRow.
 void JVxEditor.setColumnName(String pColumnName)
          Sets the column edited by this control.
 void JVxEditor.setDataRow(IDataRow pDataRow)
          Sets the DataRow edited by this control.
 void JVxTable.valuesChanged(DataRowEvent pDataRowEvent)
          Notifies that values on an IDataRow are changed.

Constructors in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext that throw ModelException
JVxChart.DataBookXYDataset(IDataBook pDataBook, String pXColumnName, String[] pYColumnNames, JVxChart pChart)
          Creates a new JDBCXYDataset (initially empty) with no database connection.

Uses of ModelException in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.celleditor

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.celleditor that throw ModelException
 void JVxTextCellEditor.CellEditorHandler.cancelEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be canceled(restored) the correct value is in the DataBook.
 void JVxNumberCellEditor.CellEditorHandler.cancelEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be canceled(restored) the correct value is in the DataBook.
 void JVxLinkedCellEditor.CellEditorHandler.cancelEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be canceled(restored) the correct value is in the DataBook.
 void JVxDateCellEditor.CellEditorHandler.cancelEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be canceled(restored) the correct value is in the DataBook.
 void JVxTextCellEditor.CellEditorHandler.saveEditing()
          Saves the changes made from the CellEditorComponent DataBook.
 void JVxNumberCellEditor.CellEditorHandler.saveEditing()
          Saves the changes made from the CellEditorComponent DataBook.
 void JVxLinkedCellEditor.CellEditorHandler.saveEditing()
          Saves the changes made from the CellEditorComponent DataBook.
 void JVxDateCellEditor.CellEditorHandler.saveEditing()
          Saves the changes made from the CellEditorComponent DataBook.

Uses of ModelException in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control that throw ModelException
 void SwingTree.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void SwingTable.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void SwingEditor.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void SwingChart.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void SwingEditor.setCellEditor(ICellEditor pCellEditor)
          Sets the CellEditor that edits the given column in the given DataRow.
 void SwingEditor.setColumnName(String pColumnName)
          Sets the column name displayed by this control.
 void SwingEditor.setDataRow(IDataRow pDataRow)
          Sets the DataRow displayed by this control.

Uses of ModelException in javax.rad.genui.control

Methods in javax.rad.genui.control that throw ModelException
 void UITree.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void UITable.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void UIEditor.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void UIChart.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void UIEditor.setCellEditor(ICellEditor pCellEditor)
          Sets the CellEditor that edits the given column in the given DataRow.
 void UIEditor.setColumnName(String pColumnName)
          Sets the column name displayed by this control.
 void UIEditor.setDataRow(IDataRow pDataRow)
          Sets the DataRow displayed by this control.

Constructors in javax.rad.genui.control that throw ModelException
UIEditor(IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName)
          Creates a new instance of UIEditor.

Uses of ModelException in javax.rad.model

Methods in javax.rad.model that throw ModelException
 void RowDefinition.addColumnDefinition(ColumnDefinition pColumnDefinition)
          Adds an ColumnDefinition to this IRowDefinition.
 void IRowDefinition.addColumnDefinition(ColumnDefinition pColumnDefinition)
          Adds an ColumnDefinition to this IRowDefinition.
 void RowDefinition.addDataBook(IDataBook rowDefinitionListener)
          It register and adds a IDataBook to this IRowDefinition, which uses this IRowDefintion.
 void IRowDefinition.addDataBook(IDataBook pRowDefinitionListener)
          It register and adds a IDataBook to this IRowDefinition, which uses this IRowDefintion.
 IDataRow IDataRow.createDataRow(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns a cloned IDataRow with only a subset of specified column names.
 IDataRow IDataRow.createEmptyRow(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns a new empty IDataRow with only a subset of column's, specified by a String[] of column names.
 IRowDefinition RowDefinition.createRowDefinition(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns a cloned IRowDefinition with only a subset of ColumnDefinitions, specified by a column name String[].
 IRowDefinition IRowDefinition.createRowDefinition(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns a cloned IRowDefinition with only a subset of ColumnDefinitions, specified by a column name String[].
 void IDataBook.delete()
          It deletes the selected DataRow.
 void IDataBook.deleteAllDataRows()
          It deletes all DataRows.
 void IDataPage.fetchAll()
          It fetches all IDataRow's from the storage.
 int[] IDataPage.getChangedDataRows()
          Returns an int array with all changed rows.
 TreePathFinder TreePathFinder.getChild(IChangeableDataRow pDataRow)
          Gets the child TreePathFinder to the given data row.
 ColumnDefinition RowDefinition.getColumnDefinition(String pColumnName)
          Returns the ColumnDefinition by name.
 ColumnDefinition IRowDefinition.getColumnDefinition(String pColumnName)
          Returns the ColumnDefinition by name.
 IDataPage IDataBook.getDataPage(IDataRow pMasterRow)
          Returns the corresponding IDataPage to specified master row from the master DataBook.
 IDataPage IDataBook.getDataPage(IDataRow pRootRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath and root row.
 IDataPage IDataBook.getDataPage(TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath.
 IDataPage IDataBook.getDataPageWithRootRow(IDataRow pRootRow)
          Returns the corresponding IDataPage to specified root row from the root DataBook.
 IChangeableDataRow IDataPage.getDataRow(int pDataRowIndex)
          Returns a copy of the IDataRow of the specified index.
 int TreePathFinder.getIndexOfPrimaryKey()
          Gets the index of the primary key in this node.
 IDataRow IDataPage.getMasterDataRow()
          Returns the corresponding master row to this IDataPage in the master DataBook.
 IDataRow IChangeableDataRow.getOriginalRow()
          Returns the original row, before the first change is made.
 int IDataPage.getRowCount()
          Returns the size.
 String IDataBook.getSelectedColumn()
          Returns the selected column in the IDataBook.
 int IDataBook.getSelectedRow()
          Returns the selected row index in the IDataBook.
 Object IChangeableDataRow.getUID()
          Returns the internal unique identifier for a IChangeableDataRow, which isInserting().
 Object IDataRow.getValue(int pColumnIndex)
          Returns the value of the column by index.
 Object IDataRow.getValue(String pColumnName)
          Returns the value of the named column.
 String IDataRow.getValueAsString(String pColumnName)
          Returns the value of the named column as String.
 Object[] IDataRow.getValues(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns a Object[] of values from the specified columns in this IDataRow.
 String[] IDataRow.getValuesAsString(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns the values of the named columns as String[].
 boolean IDataBook.hasDataPage(IDataRow pMasterDataRow)
          Returns true if an IDataPage to specified master row from the master DataBook exists.
 int IDataBook.insert(boolean pBeforeRow)
          It inserts a new IDataRow.
 boolean IDataPage.isAllFetched()
          Returns true if all rows are loaded.
 boolean IDataBook.isDeleteAllowed()
          Returns true if delete is allowed on this IDataBook.
 boolean IDataBook.isDeleteEnabled()
          Returns true if delete is enabled on this IDataBook.
 boolean IChangeableDataRow.isDeleting()
          Returns if this row is deleted.
 boolean IChangeableDataRow.isDetailChanged()
          Returns true if under this row in the detail DataBook one or more changed (isInserting/Updating/Deleting() == true) detail rows existing.
 boolean IDataBook.isInsertAllowed()
          Returns true if insert is allowed on this IDataBook.
 boolean IDataBook.isInsertEnabled()
          Returns true if insert is enabled on this IDataBook.
 boolean IChangeableDataRow.isInserting()
          Returns if this row is new.
 boolean IDataBook.isUpdateAllowed()
          Returns true if update is allowed on this IDataBook.
 boolean IDataBook.isUpdateEnabled()
          Returns true if update is enabled on this IDataBook.
 boolean IChangeableDataRow.isUpdating()
          Returns if this row is changed.
 boolean IChangeableDataRow.isWritableColumnChanged()
          Returns true if one isWritableColumnChanged() column is changed.
          It opens the IDataSource.
          Opens the IDataBook.
 void IDataBook.reload()
          It refreshs all IDataRow's in the IDataBook, like the was before the changes, get the data again from the storage It selects the same row (over primary key) if the SelectionMode == CURRENT_ROW in the IDataBook.
 void IDataBook.reload(IDataBook.SelectionMode pSelectionMode)
          It refreshs all IDataRow's in the IDataBook, like the was before the changes, get the data again from the storage and selects the row with the specified SelectionMode.
 void IDataSource.reloadAllDataBooks()
          It removes all changes from all IDataBook's till last storeAllDataBooks() call.
 void IDataBook.removeDataPage(IDataRow pMasterDataRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Removes the DataPage to the specified master DataRow or TreePath.
 void IDataSource.restoreAllDataBooks()
          It removes all changes from all IDataBook's till last storeAllDataBooks() call.
 void IDataBook.restoreAllRows()
          It restores all IDataRow's, like the was before the changes.
 void IDataBook.restoreSelectedRow()
          It restores the selected IDataRow, like the was before the changes.
 void IDataSource.saveAllDataBooks()
          It saves all changes from all IDataBook's to the IDataSource.
 void IDataBook.saveAllRows()
          It stores all changes in the IDataRow's to the IDataSource.
 void IDataBook.saveDataPage()
          Saves all rows in the current DataPage.
 void IDataBook.saveSelectedRow()
          It stores all changes in the selected IDataRow.
 int IDataPage.searchNext(ICondition pCondition)
          Searches the given condition.
 int IDataPage.searchNext(ICondition pCondition, int pRowNum)
          Searches the given condition starting at the given position.
 int IDataPage.searchPrevious(ICondition pCondition)
          Searches the given condition.
 int IDataPage.searchPrevious(ICondition pCondition, int pRowNum)
          Searches the given condition starting at the given position.
 boolean TreePathFinder.selectTreePath()
          Selects this tree path in all IDataBook's specified by this TreePathFinder.
 void RowDefinition.setColumnView(Class<? extends IControl> pTargetControl, ColumnView pColumnView)
          Sets the column view to use for GUI controls.
 void IRowDefinition.setColumnView(Class<? extends IControl> pTargetControl, ColumnView pColumnView)
          Sets the column view to use for GUI controls.
 void IDataBook.setDataSource(IDataSource pDataSource)
          Sets the IDataSource for this IDataBook.
 void ColumnDefinition.setDataType(IDataType pDataType)
          Sets the IDataType for this ColumnDefinition.
 void IDataBook.setFilter(ICondition pFilter)
          Sets the filter for this IDataBook.
 void IDataBook.setMasterReference(ReferenceDefinition pReferenceDefinitionToMasterBook)
          Sets the master IDataBook to this detail IDataBook over a ReferenceDefinition.
 void IDataBook.setName(String pName)
          Set the name of the IDataBook.
 void ColumnDefinition.setName(String pName)
          Set the name of the column.
 void RowDefinition.setPrimaryKeyColumnNames(String[] pColumnNames)
          Sets all primary key column names.
 void IRowDefinition.setPrimaryKeyColumnNames(String[] pColumnNames)
          Sets all primary key column names.
 void IDataBook.setReadOnly(boolean pReadOnlyEnabled)
          Sets whether this IDataBook is read only.
 void RowDefinition.setReadOnly(String[] pColumnNames)
          Sets the specified column names as read only true.
 void IRowDefinition.setReadOnly(String[] pColumnNames)
          Sets the specified column names as read only true.
 void IDataBook.setRootReference(ReferenceDefinition pReferenceDefinition)
          Sets the tree root reference.
 void IDataBook.setRowDefinition(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition)
          Sets the IRowDefinition of the IDataBook.
 void ColumnDefinition.setRowDefinition(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition)
          Sets the IRowDefinition for this ColumnDefinition.
 void IDataBook.setSelectedColumn(String pSelectedColumn)
          Sets the selected column in the IDataBook.
 void IDataBook.setSelectedRow(int pDataRowIndex)
          Sets the selected row index in the IDataBook.
 void IDataBook.setSort(SortDefinition pSort)
          Sets the sort order for this IDataBook.
 void IDataBook.setTreePath(TreePath pTreePath)
          Sets the tree current tree path.
 void IDataRow.setValue(String pColumnName, Object pValue)
          Sets the value of the named column in this IDataRow.
 void IDataRow.setValues(String[] pColumnNames, Object[] pValues)
          Sets the column's values from the pValues Object[] to the this IDataRow.
 void IDataBook.update()
          It sets the selected row as UPDATING.

Constructors in javax.rad.model that throw ModelException
TreePathFinder(IChangeableDataRow pDataRow)
          Constructs a new TreePathFinder.
TreePathFinder(TreePathFinder pParentTreePathFinder, IChangeableDataRow pDataRow)
          Constructs a new TreePathFinder.

Uses of ModelException in javax.rad.model.datatype

Methods in javax.rad.model.datatype that throw ModelException
 Object TimestampDataType.convertAndCheckToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object StringDataType.convertAndCheckToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object ObjectDataType.convertAndCheckToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object IDataType.convertAndCheckToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object BooleanDataType.convertAndCheckToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object BinaryDataType.convertAndCheckToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 BigDecimal BigDecimalDataType.convertAndCheckToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object TimestampDataType.convertToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object StringDataType.convertToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object ObjectDataType.convertToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object IDataType.convertToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object BooleanDataType.convertToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object BinaryDataType.convertToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.
 Object BigDecimalDataType.convertToTypeClass(Object pObject)
          Converts the oObject to an Object which is an instance of the class which is handled by IDataType.

Uses of ModelException in javax.rad.model.event

Methods in javax.rad.model.event that throw ModelException
 void IDataBookListener.dataBookChanged(DataBookEvent pDataBookEvent)
          Notifies that the IDataBook is changed.
 Object ModelEventHandler.dispatchEvent(Object... pEventParameter)
          Dispatches the given events to all listeners.
 void IDataRowListener.valuesChanged(DataRowEvent pDataRowEvent)
          Notifies that values on an IDataRow are changed.

Uses of ModelException in javax.rad.model.reference

Constructors in javax.rad.model.reference that throw ModelException
ReferenceDefinition(String[] pColumnNames, IDataBook pReferencedDataBook, String[] pReferencedColumnNames)
          Constructs the ReferenceDefinition with the specified parameters.
StorageReferenceDefinition(String[] pColumnNames, String pReferencedStorage, String[] pReferencedColumnNames)
          Constructs the StorageReferenceDefinition with the specified parameters.

Uses of ModelException in javax.rad.model.ui

Methods in javax.rad.model.ui that throw ModelException
 void ICellEditorHandler.cancelEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be canceled(restored) the correct value is in the DataBook.
 void IControl.saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
 void ICellEditorHandler.saveEditing()
          Saves the changes made from the CellEditorComponent DataBook.
 void IEditorControl.setCellEditor(ICellEditor pCellEditor)
          Sets the CellEditor that edits the given column in the given DataRow.
 void IEditorControl.setColumnName(String pColumnName)
          Sets the column name displayed by this control.
 void IEditorControl.setDataRow(IDataRow pDataRow)
          Sets the DataRow displayed by this control.

Uses of ModelException in javax.rad.persist

Subclasses of ModelException in javax.rad.persist
 class DataSourceException
          The DataSourceException is used to throw storage depending Exception's.

Methods in javax.rad.persist that throw ModelException
static ColumnDefinition ColumnMetaData.createColumnDefinition(ColumnMetaData pColumnMetaData)
          It converts a server ColumnMetaData to an client ColumnDefinition and returns it.
 ColumnMetaData MetaData.getColumnMetaData(String pColumnName)
          Returns the specific ColumnMetaData column.

Uses of ModelException in javax.rad.ui.control

Methods in javax.rad.ui.control that throw ModelException
 void IEditor.setCellEditor(ICellEditor pCellEditor)
          Sets the CellEditor that edits the given column in the given DataRow.

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