Interface IEditor

All Superinterfaces:
ICellFormatable, IComponent, IControl, IEditorControl, INamedObject, IResource, ITranslatable
All Known Implementing Classes:
SwingEditor, UIEditor

public interface IEditor
extends IComponent, IEditorControl, ICellFormatable

Platform and technology independent Editor definition. It is designed for use with AWT, Swing, SWT, JSP, JSF, ... .

Method Summary
 ICellEditor getCellEditor()
          Gets the CellEditor that edits the given column in the given DataRow.
 boolean isSavingImmediate()
          Tells whether the CellEditor should save immediate.
 void setCellEditor(ICellEditor pCellEditor)
          Sets the CellEditor that edits the given column in the given DataRow.
 void setSavingImmediate(boolean pSavingImmediate)
          Sets whether the CellEditor should save immediate.
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.ui.IComponent
capture, eventComponentMoved, eventComponentResized, eventKeyPressed, eventKeyReleased, eventKeyTyped, eventMouseClicked, eventMouseEntered, eventMouseExited, eventMousePressed, eventMouseReleased, getBackground, getBounds, getCursor, getEventSource, getFactory, getFont, getForeground, getLocation, getLocationRelativeTo, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getName, getParent, getPreferredSize, getSize, getToolTipText, isBackgroundSet, isCursorSet, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFontSet, isForegroundSet, isMaximumSizeSet, isMinimumSizeSet, isPreferredSizeSet, isVisible, requestFocus, setBackground, setBounds, setCursor, setEnabled, setEventSource, setFocusable, setFont, setForeground, setLocation, setLocationRelativeTo, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setName, setParent, setPreferredSize, setSize, setToolTipText, setVisible
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.ui.IResource
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.model.ui.IEditorControl
getColumnName, getDataRow, setColumnName, setDataRow
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.model.ui.IControl
cancelEditing, notifyRepaint, saveEditing
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.model.ui.ITranslatable
getTranslation, setTranslation
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.ui.control.ICellFormatable
getCellFormatter, setCellFormatter

Method Detail


boolean isSavingImmediate()
Tells whether the CellEditor should save immediate.

whether the CellEditor should save immediate.


void setSavingImmediate(boolean pSavingImmediate)
Sets whether the CellEditor should save immediate.

pSavingImmediate - true, if the CellEditor should save immediate.


ICellEditor getCellEditor()
Gets the CellEditor that edits the given column in the given DataRow. If the CellEditor is null, the editor from the columns DataType is used to edit.

Specified by:
getCellEditor in interface IEditorControl
the CellEditor.
See Also:


void setCellEditor(ICellEditor pCellEditor)
                   throws ModelException
Sets the CellEditor that edits the given column in the given DataRow. If the CellEditor is null, the editor from the columns DataType is used to edit.

Specified by:
setCellEditor in interface IEditorControl
pCellEditor - the CellEditor.
ModelException - if the cell editor can not be set
See Also:

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