Interface ITranslatable

All Known Subinterfaces:
IChart, IControl, IEditor, IEditorControl, ITable, ITableControl, ITree, ITreeControl
All Known Implementing Classes:
About, AbstractFrame, AbstractUIActionComponent, AbstractUIButton, AbstractUIMenuItem, AbstractUITextField, AbstractUIToggleButton, AbstractWindow, Application, Application, Content, Dialog, Error, JVxCalendarPane, JVxChart, JVxComboBase, JVxDateCombo, JVxEditor, JVxTable, JVxTree, Login, Message, RemoteApplication, RemoteWorkScreen, RemoteWorkScreenApplication, SwingChart, SwingEditor, SwingTable, SwingTree, UIButton, UIChart, UICheckBox, UICheckBoxMenuItem, UIComponent, UIContainer, UICustomComponent, UICustomContainer, UIDesktopPanel, UIEditor, UIFrame, UIGroupPanel, UIIcon, UIInternalFrame, UILabel, UILauncher, UIMenu, UIMenuBar, UIMenuItem, UIPanel, UIPasswordField, UIPopupMenu, UIRadioButton, UIScrollPanel, UISeparator, UISplitPanel, UITable, UITabsetPanel, UITextArea, UITextField, UIToggleButton, UIToolBar, UIToolBarPanel, UITree, UIWindow, WorkScreen

public interface ITranslatable

The ITranslatable is the interface for text oriented objects which needs translation support.

Method Summary
 TranslationMap getTranslation()
          Gets the possible translation mapping for this UIComponent.
 void setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the possible translations for this UIComponent.

Method Detail


void setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
Sets the possible translations for this UIComponent.

pTranslation - the translation mapping


TranslationMap getTranslation()
Gets the possible translation mapping for this UIComponent.

the translation mappint

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