Interface IControl

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IChart, IEditor, IEditorControl, ITable, ITableControl, ITree, ITreeControl
All Known Implementing Classes:
JVxChart, JVxEditor, JVxTable, JVxTree, SwingChart, SwingEditor, SwingTable, SwingTree, UIChart, UIEditor, UITable, UITree

public interface IControl
extends ITranslatable

The IControl inform about changes in the IDataRow/IDataBook and GUI controls need to repaint the data part. It also inform the GUI controls, that the editing mode in the control should be save or cancel the last change.

See Also:
IDataRow, IDataBook

Method Summary
 void cancelEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be canceled(restored) the correct value is in the DataBook.
 void notifyRepaint()
          The control need to check if the part is visible and then repaint the part.
 void saveEditing()
          Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.model.ui.ITranslatable
getTranslation, setTranslation

Method Detail


void notifyRepaint()
The control need to check if the part is visible and then repaint the part.


void saveEditing()
                 throws ModelException
Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be set into the IDataBook or IDataRow.

ModelException - if the value can not be stored.


void cancelEditing()
Informs the GUI control, that the last edit should be canceled(restored) the correct value is in the DataBook.

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