Interface ICellRenderer<C>

Type Parameters:
C - Placeholder for the library dependent component type.
All Known Subinterfaces:
IChoiceCellEditor<C>, IImageViewer<C>
All Known Implementing Classes:
JVxChoiceCellEditor, JVxDateCellEditor, JVxImageViewer, JVxLinkedCellEditor, JVxNumberCellEditor, JVxTextCellEditor, UIChoiceCellEditor, UIImageViewer

public interface ICellRenderer<C>

This class renders a cell of a GUI control.
It is used as part of the rendering process in a GUI control and renders the data depending part.

Method Summary
 C getCellRendererComponent(C pParentComponent, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowNumber, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, boolean pIsSelected, boolean pHasFocus)
          Configures a IComponent for rendering.

Method Detail


C getCellRendererComponent(C pParentComponent,
                           IDataPage pDataPage,
                           int pRowNumber,
                           IDataRow pDataRow,
                           String pColumnName,
                           boolean pIsSelected,
                           boolean pHasFocus)
Configures a IComponent for rendering. The IComponent can be reused for performance reasons. After a new call of getCellRendererComponent, the previous IComponent can't be used for rendering anymore.

pParentComponent - the Parent Component from which.
pDataPage - the DataPage of the row to be rendered.
pRowNumber - the row number of the row to be rendered.
pDataRow - the row to be rendered (is the same as pDataPage.getRow(pRowNumber)).
pColumnName - the column name to be rendered.
pIsSelected - true, if the cell is selected (shown with selected background).
pHasFocus - true, if the cell has the focus (cell is the current editing cell).
the renderer Component. It can only be used until the next call of this function.

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