Package javax.rad.model

Contains all model interfaces, abstract base and exception classes.


Interface Summary
IChangeableDataRow An IChangeableDataRow extends the IDataRow with support for the change state of the row, belonging DataPage and row index and some supporting methods and an unique ID column.
IDataBook The IDataBook is a storage independent table, and handles all operations to load, save and manipulate table oriented data.
IDataPage A IDataPage is the interface for one data page of a IDataBook.
IDataRow An IDataRow is a list of columns.
IDataSource The IDataSource defines the methods to access any kind of table oriented IDataSource: e.g. a database, XML file, ...
IRowDefinition An IRowDefinition contains all ColumnDefinition's of a IDataRow.

Class Summary
ColumnDefinition A ColumnDefinition is a description of the data type and other attributes of a table column.
ColumnView A ColumnView contains all column names that should be shown.
RowDefinition A RowDefinition contains all ColumnDefintion's of a DataRow.
SortDefinition The SortDefinition class specifies the sort order to use.
TreePath A TreePath stores the path of .
TreePathFinder A TreePathFinder stores the primary key columns recursively for all master detail dependencies.

Enum Summary
IDataBook.SelectionMode The IDataBook selection modes specify which row should be selected after reload or after the master row has changed.
IDataBook.WriteBackIsolationLevel The IDataBook (and IDataSourrce as Default) write back isolations levels, specify when the changes in the IDataBook should be implicit write back to the storage.
MetaDataCacheOption The MetaDataCacheOption is the enum type for client and server-side metadata cache options.

Exception Summary
ModelException The ModelException is used to throw model depending Exception's.

Package javax.rad.model Description

Contains all model interfaces, abstract base and exception classes. Like IDataBook, IDataRow, IRowDefinition, IStorageAccess, ModelException, ...

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