Package com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext

Contains all swing extensions which can be used without the platform and technology independent interface definitions.


Interface Summary
ICellFormatterEditorListener This Interface is necessary to give Swing CellEditorHandler access to the ICellFormatter of the Control.
JVxConstants A collection of constants generally used for positioning and orienting components on the screen (In memoriam Jeff and Ralph).

Class Summary
JVxButton The JVxButton is a JButton extension.
JVxCalendarPane The JVxCalendarPane provides Calendar functionality.
JVxChart The JVxChart is a simple chart panel which also implements the ITableControl interface.
JVxChart.DataBookXYDataset This class provides an AbstractIntervalXYDataset implementation for a DataBook.
JVxCheckBoxMenuItem A menu item that can be selected or deselected.
JVxChoice A Choice editor can display and switch several values as Image.
JVxChoice.NullCaret Null Caret is a invisible non functional Caret to prevent null pointer exceptions in swing.
JVxChoice.NullDocumentFilter Null Document Filter.
JVxComboBase JVxComboBase is a generic component for displaying any editor component combined with any popup component.
JVxComboBase.GenericComboBoxEditor Generic Editor that allows the changing the EditorComponent.
JVxDateCombo The JVxDateCombo handles DateEditor with CalendarPane.
JVxDateCombo.DateComboBoxModel The DateComboBoxModel is a generic ComboBoxModel implementation.
JVxDesktopManager This class extends the DefaultDesktopManager to follow the MDI model more than the DefaultDesktopManager.
JVxDesktopPane The JVxDesktopPane extends a JDesktopPane and enables the usage of a background image.
JVxEditor Editor that implements IControl interface.
JVxIcon The JVxIcon is a simple component with an image.
JVxInternalFrame The JVxInternalFrame extends a JInternalFrame to support the modal mode and event queue blocking, like modal dialogs.
JVxInternalFrame.ModalComponentListener The ModalComponentListener resizes the transparent panel for the modal desktop.
JVxPanel The JVxPanel is a JPanel with a background image.
JVxScrollPane ScrollPane implementation that get the right minimum size, preferred size and maximum size.
JVxSplitPane SplitPane implementation that allows top, left, right, right and relative anchored divider.
JVxSplitPane.CoveragePanel Coverage Panel is needed to change minimum size other than defined in from the given component.
JVxTabbedPane The JVxTabbedPane extends the JTabbedPane and allows special tab options, like closing.
JVxTable Scrollable JTable that implements ITableControl interface.
JVxTable.CellEditorPane CellEditorPane provides different editor sizes as the cell has.
JVxTable.DataBookTableColumnModel Implements the JTable model interfaces with the given IDataBook.
JVxTable.DataBookTableModel Implements the TableModel interfaces with the given IDataBook.
JVxTable.GenericTableCellHandler The GenericTableCellEditor is a wrapper, that provides ICellEditor functionality.
JVxTable.StrikeThroughEmptyBorder EmptyBorder with strike through functionality.
JVxTable.StrikeThroughLineBorder LineBorder with strike through functionality.
JVxToggleButton The JVxToggleButton is a JToggleButton extension.
JVxToolBar The JVxToolBar is an extended JToolBar.
JVxToolBarPanel The JVxToolBarPanel is a special JPanel extension with a content pane and toolbar areas around it.
JVxTree Scrollable JTree that implements IControl interface.
JVxTree.DataPageNode DataPageNode implements MutableTreeNode.
JVxUtil The JVxUtil is a utility class with often used functionality encapsulated in useful methods.

Enum Summary
JVxToolBarPanel.ToolBarArea the possible toolbar areas.

Package com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext Description

Contains all swing extensions which can be used without the platform and technology independent interface definitions.

Copyright © 2009 SIB Visions GmbH. All Rights Reserved.