Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDataPage
com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem Contains all storage independent model classes. 
com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote Contains model implementations for accessing remote data. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.celleditor Contains components for creating editors. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.format Contains table extensions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control Contains Swing control implementations based on the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
javax.rad.genui.celleditor Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent celleditor interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.model Contains all model interfaces, abstract base and exception classes. 
javax.rad.model.ui Contains UI relevant interface definitions. 
javax.rad.ui.control Contains all interfaces to develop controls for a graphical user interface. 

Uses of IDataPage in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem that implement IDataPage
 class MemDataBook
          The MemDataBook is a storage independent table, and handles all operations to load, save and manipulate table oriented data.
 class MemDataPage
          A MemDataPage is the memory implementation for a data page of an IDataBook.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem that return IDataPage
 IDataPage MemDataBook.getDataPage()
          Returns the correspondingIDataPage of the IDataRow.
 IDataPage ChangeableDataRow.getDataPage()
          Returns the correspondingIDataPage of the IDataRow.
 IDataPage MemDataBook.getDataPage(IDataRow pMasterDataRow)
          Returns the corresponding IDataPage to specified master row from the master DataBook.
 IDataPage MemDataBook.getDataPage(IDataRow pRootRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath and root row.
 IDataPage MemDataBook.getDataPage(TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath.
 IDataPage MemDataBook.getDataPageWithRootRow(IDataRow pRootDataRow)
          Returns the corresponding IDataPage to specified root row from the root DataBook.

Constructors in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem with parameters of type IDataPage
ChangeableDataRow(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition, Object[] pData, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowIndex)
          Constructs a DataRow with a given IRowDefinition and initialize it a copy of the Object[]<> data.

Uses of IDataPage in com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote that implement IDataPage
 class RemoteDataBook
          The RemoteDataBook is a storage independent table, and handles all operations based on the the MemDatabook base class.
 class RemoteDataPage
          A RemoteDataPage extends the MemDataPage with storage operations.

Uses of IDataPage in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.celleditor

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.celleditor with parameters of type IDataPage
 Component JVxNumberCellEditor.getCellRendererComponent(Component pParentComponent, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowNumber, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, boolean pIsSelected, boolean pHasFocus)
          Configures a IComponent for rendering.
 Component JVxImageViewer.getCellRendererComponent(Component pParentComponent, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowNumber, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, boolean pIsSelected, boolean pHasFocus)
          Configures a IComponent for rendering.
 Component JVxDateCellEditor.getCellRendererComponent(Component pParentComponent, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowNumber, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, boolean pIsSelected, boolean pHasFocus)
          Configures a IComponent for rendering.
 Component JVxChoiceCellEditor.getCellRendererComponent(Component pParentComponent, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowNumber, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, boolean pIsSelected, boolean pHasFocus)
          Configures a IComponent for rendering.
 JComponent JVxTextCellEditor.getCellRendererComponent(JComponent pParentComponent, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowNumber, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, boolean pIsSelected, boolean hasFocus)
          Configures a IComponent for rendering.
 JComponent JVxLinkedCellEditor.getCellRendererComponent(JComponent pParentComponent, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowNumber, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, boolean pIsSelected, boolean hasFocus)
          Configures a IComponent for rendering.

Uses of IDataPage in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.format

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.format with parameters of type IDataPage
 CellFormat ICellFormatter.getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the format for the given cell.
 Icon INodeFormatter.getNodeImage(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, boolean pExpanded, boolean pLeaf)
          Gets the image for the given node.

Uses of IDataPage in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control with parameters of type IDataPage
 CellFormat SwingTree.getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the format for the given cell.
 CellFormat SwingTable.getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the format for the given cell.
 CellFormat SwingEditor.getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the format for the given cell.
 Icon SwingTree.getNodeImage(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, boolean pExpanded, boolean pLeaf)
          Gets the image for the given node.

Uses of IDataPage in javax.rad.genui.celleditor

Methods in javax.rad.genui.celleditor with parameters of type IDataPage
 Object UIImageViewer.getCellRendererComponent(Object pParentComponent, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowNumber, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, boolean pIsSelected, boolean pHasFocus)
          Configures a IComponent for rendering.
 Object UIChoiceCellEditor.getCellRendererComponent(Object pParentComponent, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowNumber, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, boolean pIsSelected, boolean pHasFocus)
          Configures a IComponent for rendering.

Uses of IDataPage in javax.rad.model

Subinterfaces of IDataPage in javax.rad.model
 interface IDataBook
          The IDataBook is a storage independent table, and handles all operations to load, save and manipulate table oriented data.

Methods in javax.rad.model that return IDataPage
 IDataPage IChangeableDataRow.getDataPage()
          Returns the correspondingIDataPage of the IDataRow.
 IDataPage IDataBook.getDataPage(IDataRow pMasterRow)
          Returns the corresponding IDataPage to specified master row from the master DataBook.
 IDataPage IDataBook.getDataPage(IDataRow pRootRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath and root row.
 IDataPage IDataBook.getDataPage(TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath.
 IDataPage IDataBook.getDataPageWithRootRow(IDataRow pRootRow)
          Returns the corresponding IDataPage to specified root row from the root DataBook.

Uses of IDataPage in javax.rad.model.ui

Methods in javax.rad.model.ui with parameters of type IDataPage
 C ICellRenderer.getCellRendererComponent(C pParentComponent, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowNumber, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, boolean pIsSelected, boolean pHasFocus)
          Configures a IComponent for rendering.

Uses of IDataPage in javax.rad.ui.control

Methods in javax.rad.ui.control with parameters of type IDataPage
 ICellFormat ICellFormatter.getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the ICellFormat for the specified cell.
 IImage INodeFormatter.getNodeImage(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, boolean pExpanded, boolean pLeaf)
          Gets the image for the given node.

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