Interface ICellFormatter

All Known Implementing Classes:
SwingEditor, SwingTable, SwingTree

public interface ICellFormatter

The ICellFormatter allows cell oriented formatting of the displayed information.

Method Summary
 CellFormat getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the format for the given cell.

Method Detail


CellFormat getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook,
                         IDataPage pDataPage,
                         IDataRow pDataRow,
                         String pColumnName,
                         int pRow,
                         int pColumn)
Gets the format for the given cell.

pDataBook - the DataBook
pDataPage - the DataPage
pDataRow - the DataRow
pColumnName - the column name
pRow - the Row number
pColumn - the Column number
the format for the given cell.

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