Interface ICellFormatter

public interface ICellFormatter

Platform and technology independent CellFormatter definition. It is designed for use with AWT, Swing, SWT, JSP, JSF, ... .

Method Summary
 ICellFormat getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the ICellFormat for the specified cell.

Method Detail


ICellFormat getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook,
                          IDataPage pDataPage,
                          IDataRow pDataRow,
                          String pColumnName,
                          int pRow,
                          int pColumn)
Gets the ICellFormat for the specified cell.

pDataBook - the IDataBook.
pDataPage - the IDataPage.
pDataRow - the IDataRow.
pColumnName - the column name.
pRow - the row index.
pColumn - the column index.
the ICellFormat for the specified cell.

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