Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDataBook
com.sibvisions.rad.application Contains base classes for application creation. 
com.sibvisions.rad.model Contains model implementations. 
com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem Contains all storage independent model classes. 
com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote Contains model implementations for accessing remote data. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext Contains all swing extensions which can be used without the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.format Contains table extensions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control Contains Swing control implementations based on the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
javax.rad.genui.control Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent control interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.model Contains all model interfaces, abstract base and exception classes. 
javax.rad.model.condition Contains ICondition implementations for different SQL operators. 
javax.rad.model.event Contains all model event classes and interfaces. 
javax.rad.model.reference Contains classes for model references. 
javax.rad.model.ui Contains UI relevant interface definitions. 
javax.rad.ui.control Contains all interfaces to develop controls for a graphical user interface. 

Uses of IDataBook in com.sibvisions.rad.application

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.application with parameters of type IDataBook
static String[] ApplicationUtil.getAllVisibleColumns(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Gets all visible columns on screen.

Uses of IDataBook in com.sibvisions.rad.model

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model with parameters of type IDataBook
static void DataBookUtil.writeCSV(IDataBook pBook, OutputStream pStream, String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort)
          Writes all rows and values of a databook, as comma separated values to a stream.
static void DataBookUtil.writeCSV(IDataBook pBook, OutputStream pStream, String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, String pSeparator)
          Writes all rows and values of a databook, as comma separated values to a stream.

Uses of IDataBook in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem that implement IDataBook
 class MemDataBook
          The MemDataBook is a storage independent table, and handles all operations to load, save and manipulate table oriented data.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem that return IDataBook
 IDataBook MemDataPage.getDataBook()
          Returns the IDataBook of the IDataPage.
 IDataBook MemDataBook.getDataBook()
          Returns the IDataBook of the IDataPage.
 IDataBook[] MemDataSource.getDataBooks()
          Returns all registered IDataBooks from the IDataSource.
 IDataBook[] MemDataBook.getDetailDataBooks()
          Returns all detail IDataBooks to the master IDataBook.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem with parameters of type IDataBook
 void MemDataSource.addDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Register a IDataBook at the IDataSource.
 void MemDataBook.addDetailDataBook(IDataBook pDetailDataBook)
          Registered a new detail IDataBook to this master IDataBook.
 void MemDataSource.removeDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Unregister a IDataBook at the IDataSource.
 void MemDataBook.removeDetailDataBook(IDataBook pDetailDataBook)
          Unregister a detail IDataBook from this master IDataBook.

Uses of IDataBook in com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote that implement IDataBook
 class RemoteDataBook
          The RemoteDataBook is a storage independent table, and handles all operations based on the the MemDatabook base class.

Uses of IDataBook in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext that return IDataBook
 IDataBook JVxTable.getDataBook()
          Returns the DataBook displayed by this control.
 IDataBook JVxChart.getDataBook()
          Gets the DataBook shown by this control.
 IDataBook[] JVxTree.getDataBooks()
          Returns the DataBooks displayed by this control.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext with parameters of type IDataBook
 void JVxTable.setDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Sets the DataBook displayed by this control.
 void JVxChart.setDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Sets the DataBook shown by this control.
 void JVxTree.setDataBooks(IDataBook... pDataBooks)
          Sets the DataBooks displayed by this control.

Constructors in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext with parameters of type IDataBook
JVxChart.DataBookXYDataset(IDataBook pDataBook, String pXColumnName, String[] pYColumnNames, JVxChart pChart)
          Creates a new JDBCXYDataset (initially empty) with no database connection.
JVxTable.DataBookTableModel(JVxTable pTableControl, IDataBook pDataBook)
          Generates the TableModels with the given IDataBook.
JVxTree.DataPageNode(JVxTree pTree, IDataBook[] pDataBooks)
          Constructs a new root DataPageNode.

Uses of IDataBook in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.format

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext.format with parameters of type IDataBook
 CellFormat ICellFormatter.getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the format for the given cell.
 Icon INodeFormatter.getNodeImage(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, boolean pExpanded, boolean pLeaf)
          Gets the image for the given node.

Uses of IDataBook in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control that return IDataBook
 IDataBook SwingTable.getDataBook()
          Returns the DataBook displayed by this control.
 IDataBook SwingChart.getDataBook()
          Returns the DataBook displayed by this control.
 IDataBook[] SwingTree.getDataBooks()
          Returns the DataBooks displayed by this control.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control with parameters of type IDataBook
 CellFormat SwingTree.getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the format for the given cell.
 CellFormat SwingTable.getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the format for the given cell.
 CellFormat SwingEditor.getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the format for the given cell.
 Icon SwingTree.getNodeImage(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, boolean pExpanded, boolean pLeaf)
          Gets the image for the given node.
 void SwingTable.setDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Sets the DataBook displayed by this control.
 void SwingChart.setDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Sets the DataBook displayed by this control.
 void SwingTree.setDataBooks(IDataBook... pDataBooks)
          Sets the DataBooks displayed by this control.

Uses of IDataBook in javax.rad.genui.control

Methods in javax.rad.genui.control that return IDataBook
 IDataBook UITable.getDataBook()
          Returns the DataBook displayed by this control.
 IDataBook UIChart.getDataBook()
          Returns the DataBook displayed by this control.
 IDataBook[] UITree.getDataBooks()
          Returns the DataBooks displayed by this control.

Methods in javax.rad.genui.control with parameters of type IDataBook
 void UITable.setDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Sets the DataBook displayed by this control.
 void UIChart.setDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Sets the DataBook displayed by this control.
 void UITree.setDataBooks(IDataBook... pDataBooks)
          Sets the DataBooks displayed by this control.

Uses of IDataBook in javax.rad.model

Methods in javax.rad.model that return IDataBook
 IDataBook TreePathFinder.getDataBook()
          Gets the current DataBook the current DataBook.
 IDataBook IDataPage.getDataBook()
          Returns the IDataBook of the IDataPage.
 IDataBook[] RowDefinition.getDataBooks()
          It returns the list of IDataBooks corresponding to this IRowDefintion.
 IDataBook[] IRowDefinition.getDataBooks()
          It returns the list of IDataBooks corresponding to this IRowDefintion.
 IDataBook[] IDataSource.getDataBooks()
          Returns all registered IDataBooks from the IDataSource.
 IDataBook[] IDataBook.getDetailDataBooks()
          Returns all detail IDataBooks to the master IDataBook.

Methods in javax.rad.model with parameters of type IDataBook
 void RowDefinition.addDataBook(IDataBook rowDefinitionListener)
          It register and adds a IDataBook to this IRowDefinition, which uses this IRowDefintion.
 void IRowDefinition.addDataBook(IDataBook pRowDefinitionListener)
          It register and adds a IDataBook to this IRowDefinition, which uses this IRowDefintion.
 void IDataSource.addDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Register a IDataBook at the IDataSource.
 void IDataBook.addDetailDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Registered a new detail IDataBook to this master IDataBook.
 TreePathFinder TreePathFinder.getParentWithDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Gets the parent TreePathFinder which has the given IDataBook.
 void RowDefinition.removeDataBook(IDataBook rowDefinitionListener)
          It removes the DataBook reference to this IRowDefinition, which used this IRowDefintion before.
 void IRowDefinition.removeDataBook(IDataBook pRowDefinitionListener)
          It removes the DataBook reference to this IRowDefinition, which used this IRowDefintion before.
 void IDataSource.removeDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Unregister a IDataBook at the IDataSource.
 void IDataBook.removeDetailDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Unregister a detail IDataBook from this master IDataBook.

Uses of IDataBook in javax.rad.model.condition

Methods in javax.rad.model.condition with parameters of type IDataBook
static ICondition Filter.createFullTextFilter(IDataBook pDataBook, String pSearchString, String... pIncludedColumns)
          Full text filter.

Uses of IDataBook in javax.rad.model.event

Methods in javax.rad.model.event that return IDataBook
 IDataBook DataBookEvent.getChangedDataBook()
          Gets the IDataBook that is changed.

Constructors in javax.rad.model.event with parameters of type IDataBook
DataBookEvent(IDataBook pChangedDataBook, DataBookEvent.ChangedType pChangedType, IDataRow pOriginalDataRow)
          Constructs the DataRowEvent.

Uses of IDataBook in javax.rad.model.reference

Methods in javax.rad.model.reference that return IDataBook
 IDataBook ReferenceDefinition.getReferencedDataBook()
          Returns the referenced (master) IDataBook of the ReferenceDefinition.

Methods in javax.rad.model.reference with parameters of type IDataBook
 void ReferenceDefinition.setReferencedDataBook(IDataBook pReferencedDataBook)
          Sets the referenced IDataBook of the ReferenceDefinition.

Constructors in javax.rad.model.reference with parameters of type IDataBook
ReferenceDefinition(String[] pColumnNames, IDataBook pReferencedDataBook, String[] pReferencedColumnNames)
          Constructs the ReferenceDefinition with the specified parameters.

Uses of IDataBook in javax.rad.model.ui

Methods in javax.rad.model.ui that return IDataBook
 IDataBook ITableControl.getDataBook()
          Returns the DataBook displayed by this control.
 IDataBook[] ITreeControl.getDataBooks()
          Returns the DataBooks displayed by this control.

Methods in javax.rad.model.ui with parameters of type IDataBook
 void ITableControl.setDataBook(IDataBook pDataBook)
          Sets the DataBook displayed by this control.
 void ITreeControl.setDataBooks(IDataBook... pDataBooks)
          Sets the DataBooks displayed by this control.

Uses of IDataBook in javax.rad.ui.control

Methods in javax.rad.ui.control with parameters of type IDataBook
 ICellFormat ICellFormatter.getCellFormat(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, int pColumn)
          Gets the ICellFormat for the specified cell.
 IImage INodeFormatter.getNodeImage(IDataBook pDataBook, IDataPage pDataPage, IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, int pRow, boolean pExpanded, boolean pLeaf)
          Gets the image for the given node.

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