Uses of Interface

Packages that use IComponent
com.sibvisions.rad.application Contains base classes for application creation. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.awt.impl Contains the AWT dependent interface implementations of the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl Contains the Swing dependent interface implementations of the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.component Contains Swing component implementations based on the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.container Contains Swing container implementations based on the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control Contains Swing control implementations based on the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.layout Contains the layout implementations for Swing. Contains Swing menu implementations based on the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
javax.rad.application Contains all interfaces to develop an application. 
javax.rad.application.genui Contains implementations of the generic application interfaces. 
javax.rad.genui Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.genui.component Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent component interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.genui.container Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent container interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.genui.control Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent control interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.genui.layout Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent layout interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent menu interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.ui Contains all interfaces to develop a graphical user interface. 
javax.rad.ui.component Contains all interfaces to develop components for a graphical user interface. 
javax.rad.ui.container Contains all interfaces to develop containers for a graphical user interface. 
javax.rad.ui.control Contains all interfaces to develop controls for a graphical user interface. 
javax.rad.ui.event Provides classes for dealing with different types of events fired by UI components. Contains all interfaces to develop menues (menubar, popupmenu, menuitem) for a graphical user interface. 

Uses of IComponent in com.sibvisions.rad.application

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.application that implement IComponent
 class About
          The About class is the About dialog of the application.
 class Dialog
          The Dialog class is a dialog content that shows a component and allows configuration of available buttons.
 class Error
          The Error is designed to visualize errors occured in an application.
 class Login
          The Login creates and layouts the UI components for the login screen of the Application application.
 class Message
          The Message class is an UIInternalFrame to display messages on the screen.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.application with parameters of type IComponent
static ILauncher ApplicationUtil.getLauncher(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the launcher for a specific component.
static UIInternalFrame Dialog.openInternalFrame(Application pApplication, String pTitle, boolean pModal, IComponent pContent)
          Opens the dialog as internal frame.

Constructors in com.sibvisions.rad.application with parameters of type IComponent
Dialog(IComponent pComponent)
          Creates a new instance of Dialog with the given component to show.

Uses of IComponent in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.awt.impl

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.awt.impl that implement IComponent
 class AwtComponent<C extends Component>
          A component is an object having a graphical representation that can be displayed on the screen and that can interact with the user.
 class AwtContainer<C extends Container>
          A generic Abstract Window Toolkit(AWT) container object is a component that can contain other AWT components.

Fields in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.awt.impl declared as IComponent
protected  IComponent AwtComponent.eventSource
          The Event Source.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.awt.impl that return IComponent
 IComponent AwtFactory.createCustomComponent(Object pCustomComponent)
          Creates a new Instance of IComponent that contains any Custom Component.
 IComponent AwtContainer.getComponent(int pIndex)
          Gets the nth IComponent in this container.
 IComponent AwtComponent.getEventSource()
          Gets the wanted event source for this component.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.awt.impl with parameters of type IComponent
 void AwtContainer.add(IComponent pComponent)
          Adds the specified IComponent to the end of this container.
 void AwtContainer.add(IComponent pComponent, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container at the specified index.
 void AwtContainer.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints)
          Adds the specified IComponent to the end of this container.
 void AwtContainer.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container with the specified constraints at the specified index.
protected  void AwtContainer.checkAdd(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints, int pIndex)
          Checks if it's allowed to add a specific component to this container.
 IPoint AwtComponent.getLocationRelativeTo(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the location relative to the given component.
 int AwtContainer.indexOf(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the nth position of an IComponent in this container.
 void AwtContainer.remove(IComponent pComponent)
          Removes the specified component from this container.
 void AwtComponent.setEventSource(IComponent pEventSource)
          Sets the wanted event source for this component.
 void AwtComponent.setLocationRelativeTo(IComponent pComponent, IPoint pLocation)
          Sets the location relative to the given component.

Uses of IComponent in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl that implement IComponent
 class SwingApplet.SwingAppletLauncher
          The SwingAppletLauncher is the ILauncher implementation for swing applet applications with full access to the JApplet.
 class SwingApplication
          The SwingApplication is the IApplication implementation for swing applications with full access to the JFrame.
 class SwingComponent<C extends JComponent>
          The SwingComponent extends AwtComponent with setting the alignment.
 class SwingScrollComponent<C extends JComponent,SC extends JComponent>
          The SwingComponent is a component with scrollbars.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl that return IComponent
 IComponent SwingFactory.createCustomComponent(Object pCustomComponent)
          Creates a new Instance of IComponent that contains any Custom Component.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl with parameters of type IComponent
 void SwingApplet.SwingAppletLauncher.centerRelativeTo(IComponent pComponent)
          Centers the window relative to the specified component.

Uses of IComponent in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.component

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.component that implement IComponent
 class SwingAbstractButton<C extends AbstractButton>
          The SwingButton is the IButton implementation for swing.
 class SwingButton
          The SwingButton is the IButton implementation for swing.
 class SwingCheckBox
          The SwingCheckBox is the ICheckBox implementation for swing.
 class SwingIcon
          The SwingIcon is the IIcon implementation for swing.
 class SwingLabel
          The SwingLabel is the ILabel implementation for swing.
 class SwingPasswordField
          The SwingPasswordField is the IPasswordField implementation for swing.
 class SwingRadioButton
          The SwingRadioButton is the IRadioButton implementation for swing.
 class SwingTextArea
          The SwingTextArea is the ITextArea implementation for swing.
 class SwingTextComponent<C extends JComponent,TC extends JTextComponent>
          Platform and technology independent TextField definition.
 class SwingTextField<C extends JTextField>
          The SwingTextField is the ITextField implementation for swing.
 class SwingToggleButton<C extends JToggleButton>
          The SwingToggleButton is the IToggleButton implementation for swing.

Uses of IComponent in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.container

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.container that implement IComponent
 class SwingAbstractFrame<C extends Container>
          The SwingAbstractFrame is the IFrame implementation for swing.
 class SwingDesktopPanel
          The SwingDesktopPanel is the IDesktopPanel implementation for swing.
 class SwingFrame
          The SwingFrame is the IFrame implementation for swing.
 class SwingGroupPanel
          The SwingGroupPanel is the IGroupPanel implementation for swing.
 class SwingInternalFrame
          The SwingInternalFrame is the IInternalFrame implementation for swing.
 class SwingPanel
          The SwingPanel is the IPanel implementation for swing.
 class SwingScrollPanel
          The SwingPanel is the IPanel implementation for swing.
 class SwingSplitPanel
          The SwingSplitPanel is the ISplitPanel implementation for swing.
 class SwingTabsetPanel
          The SwingTabsetPanel is the ITabsetPanel implementation for swing.
 class SwingToolBar
          The SwingToolBar is the IToolBar implementation for swing.
 class SwingToolBarPanel
          The SwingToolBarPanel is IToolBarPanel implementation for Swing.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.container that return IComponent
 IComponent SwingSplitPanel.getFirstComponent()
          Returns the component to the left (or above) the divider.
 IComponent SwingSplitPanel.getSecondComponent()
          Returns the component to the right (or below) the divider.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.container with parameters of type IComponent
 void SwingTabsetPanel.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container with the specified constraints at the specified index.
 void SwingSplitPanel.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container with the specified constraints at the specified index.
 void SwingInternalFrame.centerRelativeTo(IComponent pComponent)
          Centers the window relative to the specified component.
 void SwingFrame.centerRelativeTo(IComponent pComponent)
          Centers the window relative to the specified component.
 void SwingSplitPanel.setFirstComponent(IComponent pComponent)
          Sets the component to the left (or above) the divider.
 void SwingSplitPanel.setSecondComponent(IComponent pComponent)
          Sets the component to the right (or below) the divider.

Uses of IComponent in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control that implement IComponent
 class SwingChart
          The SwingChart is the IChart implementation for swing.
 class SwingEditor
          The SwingEditor is the IEditor implementation for swing.
 class SwingTable
          The SwingTable is the ITable implementation for swing.
 class SwingTree
          The SwingTree is the ITree implementation for swing.

Uses of IComponent in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.layout

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.layout with parameters of type IComponent
 IFormLayout.IConstraints AwtFormLayout.getConstraints(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the constraints for the specified IComponent.
 Object AwtFlowLayout.getConstraints(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the constraints for the specified IComponent.
 String AwtBorderLayout.getConstraints(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the constraints for the specified IComponent.
 void AwtFormLayout.setConstraints(IComponent pComponent, IFormLayout.IConstraints pConstraints)
          Gets the constraints for the specified IComponent.
 void AwtFlowLayout.setConstraints(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints)
          Gets the constraints for the specified IComponent.
 void AwtBorderLayout.setConstraints(IComponent pComponent, String pConstraints)
          Gets the constraints for the specified IComponent.

Uses of IComponent in

Classes in that implement IComponent
 class SwingCheckBoxMenuItem
          The SwingCheckBoxMenuItem is the ICheckBoxMenuItem implementation for swing.
 class SwingMenu
          The SwingMenu is the IMenu implementation for swing.
 class SwingMenuBar
          The SwingMenuBar is the IMenuBar implementation for swing.
 class SwingMenuItem<C extends JMenuItem>
          The SwingMenuItem is the IMenuItem implementation for swing.
 class SwingPopupMenu
          The SwingPopupMenu is the IPopupMenu implementation for swing.
 class SwingSeparator
          The SwingSeparator is the ISeparator implementation for swing.

Methods in with parameters of type IComponent
 void pOrigin, int pX, int pY)
          Shows the popup menu at the x, y position relative to an origin component.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.application

Subinterfaces of IComponent in javax.rad.application
 interface IApplication
          Platform and technology independent application definition.
 interface IContent
          Platform and technology independent windowed content definition.
 interface ILauncher
          The ILauncher defines a platform and technology independent IApplication launcher.
 interface IWorkScreen
          Platform and technology independent work screen definition.
 interface IWorkScreenApplication
          Platform and technology independent definition for an application with work-screens.

Methods in javax.rad.application with parameters of type IComponent
 void IWorkScreenApplication.openContent(IComponent pOpener, String pTitle, boolean pModal, IContent pContent)
          Opens a content in an internal frame.
 IContent IWorkScreenApplication.openContent(IComponent pOpener, String pTitle, boolean pModal, String pClassName, Object... pParameter)
          Opens content in an internal frame.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.application.genui

Classes in javax.rad.application.genui that implement IComponent
 class Application
          The Application is an abstract implementation of IApplication.
 class Content
          The Content is the default IContent implementation and extends an UIPanel.
 class RemoteApplication
          The RemoteApplication extends the Application with an AbstractConnection.
 class RemoteWorkScreen
          The RemoteWorkScreen extends the WorkScreen with an AbstractConnection.
 class RemoteWorkScreenApplication
          The RemoteWorkScreenApplication is a RemoteApplication with IWorkScreenApplication implemented.
 class UILauncher
          The UILauncher is an AbstractFrame extension.
 class WorkScreen
          The WorkScreen is a default implementation of IWorkScreen.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.genui

Classes in javax.rad.genui with type parameters of type IComponent
 class UIComponent<C extends IComponent>
          Platform and technology independent component.

Classes in javax.rad.genui that implement IComponent
 class UIComponent<C extends IComponent>
          Platform and technology independent component.
 class UIContainer<C extends IContainer>
          Platform and technology independent Container.

Fields in javax.rad.genui with type parameters of type IComponent
protected  List<IComponent> UIContainer.components
          List of subcomponents.

Methods in javax.rad.genui that return IComponent
 IComponent UIContainer.getComponent(int pIndex)
          Gets the nth IComponent in this container.
protected  IComponent UIComponent.getComponentUIResource()
          Gets the component which will be added/removed to an UIContainer instead of this component.
 IComponent UIComponent.getEventSource()
          Gets the wanted event source for this component.

Methods in javax.rad.genui with parameters of type IComponent
 void UIContainer.add(IComponent pComponent)
          Adds the specified IComponent to the end of this container.
 void UIContainer.add(IComponent pComponent, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container at the specified index.
 void UIContainer.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints)
          Adds the specified IComponent to the end of this container.
 void UIContainer.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container with the specified constraints at the specified index.
 void UIContainer.beforeAddNotify(IComponent pParent)
          Invoked before this component is added.
 void UIComponent.beforeAddNotify(IComponent pParent)
          Invoked before this component is added.
protected  void UIContainer.checkAdd(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints, int pIndex)
          Checks if it's allowed to add a specific component to this container.
 CO UILayout.getConstraints(IComponent pComp)
          Gets the constraints for the specified IComponent.
 IPoint UIComponent.getLocationRelativeTo(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the location relative to the given component.
 int UIContainer.indexOf(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the nth position of an IComponent in this container.
 void UIContainer.remove(IComponent pComponent)
          Removes the specified component from this container.
 void UILayout.setConstraints(IComponent pComp, CO pConstraints)
          Gets the constraints for the specified IComponent.
 void UIComponent.setEventSource(IComponent pEventSource)
          Sets the wanted event source for this component.
 void UIComponent.setLocationRelativeTo(IComponent pComponent, IPoint pLocation)
          Sets the location relative to the given component.
 void UIContainer.setZOrder(IComponent pComponent, int pZOrder)
          Sets the order of the given component.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.genui.component

Classes in javax.rad.genui.component that implement IComponent
 class AbstractUIActionComponent<C extends IActionComponent>
          Platform and technology independent action component.
 class AbstractUIButton<C extends IButton>
          Platform and technology independent button.
 class AbstractUITextField<C extends ITextField>
          Platform and technology independent text field.
 class AbstractUIToggleButton<C extends IToggleButton>
          Platform and technology independent toggle button.
 class UIButton
          Platform and technology independent button.
 class UICheckBox
          Platform and technology independent checkbox.
 class UICustomComponent
          Platform and technology independent component.
 class UIIcon
          Platform and technology independent Icon.
 class UILabel
          Platform and technology independent Label.
 class UIPasswordField
          Platform and technology independent password field.
 class UIRadioButton
          Platform and technology independent radio button.
 class UITextArea
          Platform and technology independent text area.
 class UITextField
          Platform and technology independent text field.
 class UIToggleButton
          Platform and technology independent toggle button.

Constructors in javax.rad.genui.component with parameters of type IComponent
UICustomComponent(IComponent pComponent)
          Creates a new instance of UICustomComponent.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.genui.container

Classes in javax.rad.genui.container that implement IComponent
 class AbstractFrame<C extends IFrame>
          Platform and technology independent frame.
 class AbstractWindow<C extends IWindow>
          Platform and technology independent window.
 class UICustomContainer
          Platform and technology independent container.
 class UIDesktopPanel
          Platform and technology independent DesktopPanel.
 class UIFrame
          Platform and technology independent Frame.
 class UIGroupPanel
          Platform and technology independent GroupPanel.
 class UIInternalFrame
          Platform and technology independent InternalFrame.
 class UIPanel
          Platform and technology independent Panel.
 class UIScrollPanel
          Platform and technology independent ScrollPanel.
 class UISplitPanel
          Platform and technology independent SplitPanel.
 class UITabsetPanel
          Platform and technology independent TabSetPanel.
 class UIToolBar
          Platform and technology independent TabSetPanel.
 class UIToolBarPanel
          Platform and technology independent toolbar panel.
 class UIWindow
          Platform and technology independent Window.

Methods in javax.rad.genui.container that return IComponent
 IComponent UISplitPanel.getFirstComponent()
          Returns the component to the left (or above) the divider.
 IComponent UISplitPanel.getSecondComponent()
          Returns the component to the right (or below) the divider.

Methods in javax.rad.genui.container with parameters of type IComponent
 void UITabsetPanel.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container with the specified constraints at the specified index.
 void UISplitPanel.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container with the specified constraints at the specified index.
 void UIToolBarPanel.beforeAddNotify(IComponent pParent)
          Invoked before this component is added.
 void InternalToolBarPanel.beforeAddNotify(IComponent pParent)
          Invoked before this component is added.
 void AbstractFrame.beforeAddNotify(IComponent pParent)
          Invoked before this component is added.
 void AbstractWindow.centerRelativeTo(IComponent pComponent)
          Centers the window relative to the specified component.
 void UISplitPanel.setFirstComponent(IComponent pComponent)
          Sets the component to the left (or above) the divider.
 void UISplitPanel.setSecondComponent(IComponent pComponent)
          Sets the component to the right (or below) the divider.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.genui.control

Classes in javax.rad.genui.control that implement IComponent
 class UIChart
          Platform and technology independent Table.
 class UIEditor
          Platform and technology independent Editor.
 class UITable
          Platform and technology independent Table.
 class UITree
          Platform and technology independent Tree.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.genui.layout

Methods in javax.rad.genui.layout with parameters of type IComponent
 IFormLayout.IConstraints UIFormLayout.getBottomSpaceConstraints(IComponent pCenterComponent)
          Creates the constraints bottom of the center constraint.
 IFormLayout.IConstraints UIFormLayout.getLeftSpaceConstraints(IComponent pCenterComponent)
          Creates the constraints left of the center constraint.
 IFormLayout.IConstraints UIFormLayout.getRightSpaceConstraints(IComponent pCenterComponent)
          Creates the constraints right of the center constraint.
 IFormLayout.IConstraints UIFormLayout.getTopSpaceConstraints(IComponent pCenterComponent)
          Creates the constraints top of the center constraint.

Uses of IComponent in

Classes in that implement IComponent
 class AbstractUIMenuItem<C extends IMenuItem>
          Platform and technology independent MenuItem.
 class UICheckBoxMenuItem
          Platform and technology independent checkbox menuitem.
 class UIMenu
          Platform and technology independent menu.
 class UIMenuBar
          Platform and technology independent menu bar.
 class UIMenuItem
          Platform and technology independent MenuItem.
 class UIPopupMenu
          Platform and technology independent popup menu.
 class UISeparator
          Platform and technology independent menu separator.

Fields in with type parameters of type IComponent
protected  List<IComponent> UIMenu.components
          List of subcomponents.

Methods in that return IComponent
 IComponent UIMenu.getComponent(int pIndex)
          Gets the nth IComponent in this container.

Methods in with parameters of type IComponent
 void UIMenu.add(IComponent pComponent)
          Adds the specified IComponent to the end of this container.
 void UIMenu.add(IComponent pComponent, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container at the specified index.
 void UIMenu.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints)
          Adds the specified IComponent to the end of this container.
 void UIMenu.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container with the specified constraints at the specified index.
 void UIMenu.beforeAddNotify(IComponent pParent)
          Invoked before this component is added.
 int UIMenu.indexOf(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the nth position of an IComponent in this container.
 void UIMenu.remove(IComponent pComponent)
          Removes the specified component from this container.
 void pOrigin, int pX, int pY)
          Shows the popup menu at the x, y position relative to an origin component.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.ui

Subinterfaces of IComponent in javax.rad.ui
 interface IContainer
          Platform and technology independent Container definition.

Methods in javax.rad.ui that return IComponent
 IComponent IFactory.createCustomComponent(Object pCustomComponent)
          Creates a new Instance of IComponent that contains any Custom Component.
 IComponent IContainer.getComponent(int pIndex)
          Gets the nth IComponent in this container.
 IComponent IComponent.getEventSource()
          Gets the wanted event source for this component.

Methods in javax.rad.ui with parameters of type IComponent
 void IContainer.add(IComponent pComponent)
          Adds the specified IComponent to the end of this container.
 void IContainer.add(IComponent pComponent, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container at the specified index.
 void IContainer.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints)
          Adds the specified IComponent to the end of this container.
 void IContainer.add(IComponent pComponent, Object pConstraints, int pIndex)
          Adds the specified IComponent to this container with the specified constraints at the specified index.
 CO ILayout.getConstraints(IComponent pComp)
          Gets the constraints for the specified IComponent.
 IPoint IComponent.getLocationRelativeTo(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the location relative to the given component.
 int IContainer.indexOf(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the nth position of an IComponent in this container.
 void IContainer.remove(IComponent pComponent)
          Removes the specified component from this container.
 void ILayout.setConstraints(IComponent pComp, CO pConstraints)
          Gets the constraints for the specified IComponent.
 void IComponent.setEventSource(IComponent pEventSource)
          Sets the wanted event source for this component.
 void IComponent.setLocationRelativeTo(IComponent pComponent, IPoint pLocation)
          Sets the location relative to the given component.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.ui.component

Subinterfaces of IComponent in javax.rad.ui.component
 interface IActionComponent
          Platform and technology independent action component definition.
 interface IButton
          Platform and technology independent button definition.
 interface ICheckBox
          Platform and technology independent checkbox definition.
 interface IIcon
          Platform and technology independent Icon definition.
 interface ILabel
          Platform and technology independent Label definition.
 interface IPasswordField
          Platform and technology independent password field definition.
 interface IRadioButton
          Platform and technology independent radio button definition.
 interface ITextArea
          Platform and technology independent text area definition.
 interface ITextField
          Platform and technology independent text field definition.
 interface IToggleActionComponent
          Platform and technology independent toggle action component definition.
 interface IToggleButton
          Platform and technology independent toggle button definition.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.ui.container

Subinterfaces of IComponent in javax.rad.ui.container
 interface IDesktopPanel
          Platform and technology independent DesktopPanel definition.
 interface IFrame
          Platform and technology independent Frame definition.
 interface IGroupPanel
          Platform and technology independent GroupPanel definition.
 interface IInternalFrame
          Platform and technology independent InternalFrame definition.
 interface IPanel
          Platform and technology independent Panel definition.
 interface IScrollPanel
          Platform and technology independent ScrollPanel definition.
 interface ISplitPanel
          Platform and technology independent SplitPanel definition.
 interface ITabsetPanel
          Platform and technology independent TabSetPanel definition.
 interface IToolBar
          Platform and technology independent TabSetPanel definition.
 interface IToolBarPanel
          Platform and technology independent toolbar panel definition.
 interface IWindow
          Platform and technology independent Window definition.

Methods in javax.rad.ui.container that return IComponent
 IComponent ISplitPanel.getFirstComponent()
          Returns the component to the left (or above) the divider.
 IComponent ISplitPanel.getSecondComponent()
          Returns the component to the right (or below) the divider.

Methods in javax.rad.ui.container with parameters of type IComponent
 void IWindow.centerRelativeTo(IComponent pComponent)
          Centers the window relative to the specified component.
 void ISplitPanel.setFirstComponent(IComponent pComponent)
          Sets the component to the left (or above) the divider.
 void ISplitPanel.setSecondComponent(IComponent pComponent)
          Sets the component to the right (or below) the divider.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.ui.control

Subinterfaces of IComponent in javax.rad.ui.control
 interface IChart
          Platform and technology independent Table definition.
 interface IEditor
          Platform and technology independent Editor definition.
 interface ITable
          Platform and technology independent Table definition.
 interface ITree
          Platform and technology independent tree definition.

Uses of IComponent in javax.rad.ui.event

Methods in javax.rad.ui.event that return IComponent
 IComponent UIEvent.getSource()
          The object on which the Event initially occurred.

Constructors in javax.rad.ui.event with parameters of type IComponent
UIActionEvent(IComponent pSource, int pId, long pWhen, int pModifiers, String pActionCommand)
          Creates a new instance of UIActionEvent.
UIComponentEvent(IComponent pSource, int pId, long pWhen, int pModifiers)
          Creates a new instance of UIComponentEvent.
UIEvent(IComponent pSource, int pId, long pWhen, int pModifiers)
          Creates a new instance of UIEvent.
UIKeyEvent(IComponent pSource, int pId, long pWhen, int pModifiers, int pKeyCode, char pKeyChar)
          Creates a new instance of UIKeyEvent.
UIMouseEvent(IComponent pSource, int pId, long pWhen, int pModifiers, int pX, int pY, int pClickCount, boolean pPopupTrigger)
          Creates a new instance of UIMouseEvent.
UITabsetEvent(IComponent pSource, int pId, long pWhen, int pModifiers, int pOldIndex, int pNewIndex)
          Creates a new instance of UIActionEvent.
UIWindowEvent(IComponent pSource, int pId, long pWhen, int pModifiers)
          Creates a new instance of UIWindowEvent.

Uses of IComponent in

Subinterfaces of IComponent in
 interface ICheckBoxMenuItem
          Platform and technology independent checkbox menuitem definition.
 interface IMenu
          Platform and technology independent menu definition.
 interface IMenuBar
          Platform and technology independent menu bar definition.
 interface IMenuItem
          Platform and technology independent MenuItem definition.
 interface IPopupMenu
          Platform and technology independent popup menu definition.
 interface ISeparator
          Platform and technology independent Menu Separator definition.

Methods in with parameters of type IComponent
 void pOrigin, int pX, int pY)
          Shows the popup menu at the x, y position relative to an origin component.

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