Interface IActionComponent

All Superinterfaces:
IAlignmentConstants, IComponent, IIcon, ILabel, INamedObject, IResource
All Known Subinterfaces:
IButton, ICheckBox, ICheckBoxMenuItem, IMenu, IMenuItem, IRadioButton, IToggleActionComponent, IToggleButton
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractUIActionComponent, AbstractUIButton, AbstractUIMenuItem, AbstractUIToggleButton, SwingAbstractButton, SwingButton, SwingCheckBox, SwingCheckBoxMenuItem, SwingMenu, SwingMenuItem, SwingRadioButton, SwingToggleButton, UIButton, UICheckBox, UICheckBoxMenuItem, UIMenu, UIMenuItem, UIRadioButton, UIToggleButton

public interface IActionComponent
extends IIcon, ILabel

Platform and technology independent action component definition. It is designed for use with AWT, Swing, SWT, JSP, JSF, ... .

See Also:
Button, JButton

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface javax.rad.ui.IAlignmentConstants
Method Summary
 ActionHandler eventAction()
          The EventHandler for the action event.
 Key getAccelerator()
          Returns the Key which serves as an accelerator for the button.
 String getActionCommand()
          Returns the command name of the action event fired by this action component.
 IInsets getMargins()
          Returns the margin between the component's border and the text.
 void setAccelerator(Key pKey)
          Sets the key combination which invokes the component's action listeners without selecting.
 void setActionCommand(String pActionCommand)
          Sets the command name for the action event fired by this action component.
 void setMargins(IInsets pMargins)
          Sets space for margin between the button's border and the text.
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.ui.component.IIcon
getImage, setImage
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.ui.component.ILabel
getText, setText
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.ui.IComponent
capture, eventComponentMoved, eventComponentResized, eventKeyPressed, eventKeyReleased, eventKeyTyped, eventMouseClicked, eventMouseEntered, eventMouseExited, eventMousePressed, eventMouseReleased, getBackground, getBounds, getCursor, getEventSource, getFactory, getFont, getForeground, getLocation, getLocationRelativeTo, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getName, getParent, getPreferredSize, getSize, getToolTipText, isBackgroundSet, isCursorSet, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFontSet, isForegroundSet, isMaximumSizeSet, isMinimumSizeSet, isPreferredSizeSet, isVisible, requestFocus, setBackground, setBounds, setCursor, setEnabled, setEventSource, setFocusable, setFont, setForeground, setLocation, setLocationRelativeTo, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setName, setParent, setPreferredSize, setSize, setToolTipText, setVisible
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.ui.IResource
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.ui.IAlignmentConstants
getHorizontalAlignment, getVerticalAlignment, setHorizontalAlignment, setVerticalAlignment

Method Detail


void setAccelerator(Key pKey)
Sets the key combination which invokes the component's action listeners without selecting. It is the UI's responsibility to install the correct action.

pKey - the Key which will serve as an accelerator


Key getAccelerator()
Returns the Key which serves as an accelerator for the button.

a Key object identifying the accelerator key


String getActionCommand()
Returns the command name of the action event fired by this action component. If the command name is null (default) then this method returns the label of the button.

the action command.


void setActionCommand(String pActionCommand)
Sets the command name for the action event fired by this action component. By default this action command is set to match the label of the button.

pActionCommand - a string used to set the action command. If the string is null then the action command is set to match the text of the action component.
See Also:


ActionHandler eventAction()
The EventHandler for the action event.

the EventHandler for the action event.


void setMargins(IInsets pMargins)
Sets space for margin between the button's border and the text. Setting to null will cause the action component to use the default margin.

pMargins - the space between the border and the test


IInsets getMargins()
Returns the margin between the component's border and the text.

an IInsets object specifying the margin between the component's border and the text
See Also:

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