Package javax.rad.ui

Contains all interfaces to develop a graphical user interface.


Interface Summary
IAlignmentConstants Alignment constants definitions.
IColor Platform and technology independent Color definition.
IComponent Platform and technology independent component definition.
IContainer Platform and technology independent Container definition.
ICursor Platform and technology independent Cursor definition.
IDimension Platform and technology independent Dimension implementation.
IFactory UIFactory Interface to create Platform and technology independent Components.
IFont Platform and technology independent Font definition.
IImage Platform and technology independent image definition.
IInsets Platform and technology independent Insets definition.
ILayout<CO> Platform and technology independent layout definition.
IPoint Platform and technology independent point definition.
IRectangle Platform and technology independent rectangle definition.
IResource Platform and technology independent resource should give access to the original used Resource.

Class Summary
InvokeLaterThread InvokeLaterThread supports invokeLater notification for GUI Controls, when the thread ends.

Enum Summary
IImage.ImageType the save image types.

Exception Summary
UIException The class UIException and its subclasses are a form of RuntimeException that indicates UI specific Exceptions the application might want to catch.

Package javax.rad.ui Description

Contains all interfaces to develop a graphical user interface. The interfaces are designed to be platform and technology independent. They can be used to create graphical user interfaces with AWT, Swing, SWT, JSF or whatever you want.

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