Uses of Class

Packages that use TranslationMap
com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc Contains all database specific persistence implementations. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext Contains all swing extensions which can be used without the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control Contains Swing control implementations based on the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
javax.rad.genui Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.model.ui Contains UI relevant interface definitions. 
javax.rad.ui.control Contains all interfaces to develop controls for a graphical user interface. 
javax.rad.util Contains API dependent utility classes. 

Uses of TranslationMap in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc that return TranslationMap
static TranslationMap DBAccess.getAutomaticLinkColumnNameTranslation()
          Returns the TranslationMap for the automatic link column name custom Translation. its used in the getAutomaticLinkColName(ForeignKey pForeignKey) to change the column, thats determined.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc with parameters of type TranslationMap
static void DBAccess.setAutomaticLinkColumnNameTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslationMap)
          Sets the TranslationMap for the automatic link column name custom Translation. its used in the getAutomaticLinkColName(ForeignKey pForeignKey) to change the column, thats determined.

Uses of TranslationMap in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext that return TranslationMap
 TranslationMap JVxTree.getTranslation()
          Gets the translation mapping for this table.
 TranslationMap JVxTable.getTranslation()
          Gets the possible translation mapping for this UIComponent.
 TranslationMap JVxEditor.getTranslation()
          Gets the translation mapping for this table.
 TranslationMap JVxComboBase.getTranslation()
          Gets the possible translation mapping for this UIComponent.
 TranslationMap JVxChart.getTranslation()
          Gets the translation mapping for this table.
 TranslationMap JVxCalendarPane.getTranslation()
          Gets the translation for this table.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.ext with parameters of type TranslationMap
 void JVxTree.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the translation mapping for this table.
 void JVxTable.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the possible translations for this UIComponent.
 void JVxEditor.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the translation mapping for this table.
 void JVxDateCombo.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the possible translations for this UIComponent.
 void JVxComboBase.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the possible translations for this UIComponent.
 void JVxChart.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the translation mapping for this table.
 void JVxCalendarPane.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the translation for this table.

Uses of TranslationMap in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control that return TranslationMap
 TranslationMap SwingTree.getTranslation()
          Gets the possible translation mapping for this UIComponent.
 TranslationMap SwingTable.getTranslation()
          Gets the translation for this table.
 TranslationMap SwingEditor.getTranslation()
          Gets the possible translation mapping for this UIComponent.
 TranslationMap SwingChart.getTranslation()
          Gets the translation for this table.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.control with parameters of type TranslationMap
 void SwingTree.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the possible translations for this UIComponent.
 void SwingTable.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the translation for this table.
 void SwingEditor.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the possible translations for this UIComponent.
 void SwingChart.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the translation for this table.

Uses of TranslationMap in javax.rad.genui

Methods in javax.rad.genui that return TranslationMap
protected  TranslationMap UIComponent.getCurrentTranslation()
          Gets the current translation mapping usable for this UIComponent.
 TranslationMap UIComponent.getTranslation()
          Gets the possible translation mapping for this UIComponent.

Methods in javax.rad.genui with parameters of type TranslationMap
 void UIComponent.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the possible translations for this UIComponent.

Uses of TranslationMap in javax.rad.model.ui

Methods in javax.rad.model.ui that return TranslationMap
 TranslationMap ITranslatable.getTranslation()
          Gets the possible translation mapping for this UIComponent.

Methods in javax.rad.model.ui with parameters of type TranslationMap
 void ITranslatable.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the possible translations for this UIComponent.

Uses of TranslationMap in javax.rad.ui.control

Methods in javax.rad.ui.control that return TranslationMap
 TranslationMap ITable.getTranslation()
          Gets the translation for this table.
 TranslationMap IChart.getTranslation()
          Gets the translation for this table.

Methods in javax.rad.ui.control with parameters of type TranslationMap
 void ITable.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the translation for this table.
 void IChart.setTranslation(TranslationMap pTranslation)
          Sets the translation for this table.

Uses of TranslationMap in javax.rad.util

Methods in javax.rad.util that return TranslationMap
 TranslationMap TranslationMap.getParent()
          Gets the Parent TranslationMap to delegate translations.

Methods in javax.rad.util with parameters of type TranslationMap
 void TranslationMap.setParent(TranslationMap pParent)
          Sets the Parent TranslationMap to delegate translations.

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