Uses of Interface

Packages that use IWindow
com.sibvisions.rad.application Contains base classes for application creation. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl Contains the Swing dependent interface implementations of the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.container Contains Swing container implementations based on the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
javax.rad.application Contains all interfaces to develop an application. 
javax.rad.application.genui Contains implementations of the generic application interfaces. 
javax.rad.genui.container Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent container interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.ui Contains all interfaces to develop a graphical user interface. 
javax.rad.ui.container Contains all interfaces to develop containers for a graphical user interface. 

Uses of IWindow in com.sibvisions.rad.application

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.application that implement IWindow
 class About
          The About class is the About dialog of the application.
 class Error
          The Error is designed to visualize errors occured in an application.
 class Login
          The Login creates and layouts the UI components for the login screen of the Application application.
 class Message
          The Message class is an UIInternalFrame to display messages on the screen.

Uses of IWindow in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl that implement IWindow
 class SwingApplet.SwingAppletLauncher
          The SwingAppletLauncher is the ILauncher implementation for swing applet applications with full access to the JApplet.
 class SwingApplication
          The SwingApplication is the IApplication implementation for swing applications with full access to the JFrame.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl that return IWindow
 IWindow SwingFactory.createWindow()
          Creates a new instance of IWindow.

Uses of IWindow in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.container

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.container that implement IWindow
 class SwingAbstractFrame<C extends Container>
          The SwingAbstractFrame is the IFrame implementation for swing.
 class SwingFrame
          The SwingFrame is the IFrame implementation for swing.
 class SwingInternalFrame
          The SwingInternalFrame is the IInternalFrame implementation for swing.

Uses of IWindow in javax.rad.application

Subinterfaces of IWindow in javax.rad.application
 interface ILauncher
          The ILauncher defines a platform and technology independent IApplication launcher.

Uses of IWindow in javax.rad.application.genui

Classes in javax.rad.application.genui that implement IWindow
 class UILauncher
          The UILauncher is an AbstractFrame extension.

Uses of IWindow in javax.rad.genui.container

Classes in javax.rad.genui.container with type parameters of type IWindow
 class AbstractWindow<C extends IWindow>
          Platform and technology independent window.

Classes in javax.rad.genui.container that implement IWindow
 class AbstractFrame<C extends IFrame>
          Platform and technology independent frame.
 class AbstractWindow<C extends IWindow>
          Platform and technology independent window.
 class UIFrame
          Platform and technology independent Frame.
 class UIInternalFrame
          Platform and technology independent InternalFrame.
 class UIWindow
          Platform and technology independent Window.

Constructors in javax.rad.genui.container with parameters of type IWindow
UIWindow(IWindow pWindow)
          Creates a new instance of UIWindow with the given window.

Uses of IWindow in javax.rad.ui

Methods in javax.rad.ui that return IWindow
 IWindow IFactory.createWindow()
          Creates a new instance of IWindow.

Uses of IWindow in javax.rad.ui.container

Subinterfaces of IWindow in javax.rad.ui.container
 interface IFrame
          Platform and technology independent Frame definition.
 interface IInternalFrame
          Platform and technology independent InternalFrame definition.

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