Uses of Interface

Packages that use IStorage
com.sibvisions.rad.persist Contains implementations of the persistence definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.persist.event Contains all storage event classes and interfaces. 
com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc Contains all database specific persistence implementations. 
javax.rad.persist Contains classes and interfaces needed for java persistence. 

Uses of IStorage in com.sibvisions.rad.persist

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.persist that implement IStorage
 class AbstractCachedStorage
          The AbstractCachedStorage implemtns the caching mechanism of ICachedStorage.
 class AbstractMemStorage
          The AbstractMemStorage is an AbstractCachedStorage and holds an internal MemDataBook for the data.
 class AbstractStorage
          The AbstractStorage implements the server side triggers mechnism for different types of Storages.

Uses of IStorage in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.event

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.event that return IStorage
 IStorage StorageEvent.getStorage()
          Gets the IStorage that is changed.

Uses of IStorage in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc that implement IStorage
 class DBStorage
          The DBStorage is a IStorage for SQL database specific features.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc that return types with arguments of type IStorage
 Map<String,IStorage> DBStorage.getSubStorages()
          Gets all known sub storages as key / value pair.

Uses of IStorage in javax.rad.persist

Subinterfaces of IStorage in javax.rad.persist
 interface ICachedStorage
          The ICachedStorage extends the IStorage with meta data caching features.

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