Interface ICachedStorage

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCachedStorage, AbstractMemStorage, DBStorage

public interface ICachedStorage
extends IStorage

The ICachedStorage extends the IStorage with meta data caching features. The meta data of storages doesn't change in production mode, so we will use a caching mechanism.

Method Summary
 MetaData getMetaData(String pGroup, String pName)
          Returns the meta data for this AbstractStorage from the storage as MetaData and places the MetaData to the cache with a group name and meta data name.
 Hashtable<String,MetaData> getMetaDataFromCache(String pGroup)
          Returns all available meta data from the cache for a specific cache group.
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.persist.IStorage
delete, fetch, getEstimatedRowCount, getMetaData, insert, refetchRow, update

Method Detail


MetaData getMetaData(String pGroup,
                     String pName)
                     throws DataSourceException
Returns the meta data for this AbstractStorage from the storage as MetaData and places the MetaData to the cache with a group name and meta data name.

pGroup - the cache group name
pName - the name for the meta data in the cache group
the meta data for this AbstractStorage from the storage as MetaData.
DataSourceException - if an Exception occur during getting the meta data from the storage


Hashtable<String,MetaData> getMetaDataFromCache(String pGroup)
Returns all available meta data from the cache for a specific cache group.

pGroup - the cache group name
a Hashtable with the name of the meta data in the cache group and the meta data as value

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