Uses of Class

Packages that use CompareCondition
com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc Contains all database specific persistence implementations. 
javax.rad.model.condition Contains ICondition implementations for different SQL operators. 

Uses of CompareCondition in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc with parameters of type CompareCondition
protected  String PostgreSQLDBAccess.createWhereColumn(ServerMetaData pServerMetaData, CompareCondition pCompare, String pColumnName)
          Creates the where column.
protected  String DBAccess.createWhereColumn(ServerMetaData pServerMetaData, CompareCondition pCompare, String pColumnName)
          Creates the where column.
protected  String PostgreSQLDBAccess.createWhereParam(ServerMetaData pServerMetaData, CompareCondition pCompare)
          Creates the where parameter.
protected  String DBAccess.createWhereParam(ServerMetaData pServerMetaData, CompareCondition pCompare)
          Creates the where parameter.
 boolean DBAccess.isTypeEqual(ServerColumnMetaData pServerColumnMetaData, CompareCondition pCompare)
          Check if the Type of the column and the value to compare is equal.

Uses of CompareCondition in javax.rad.model.condition

Subclasses of CompareCondition in javax.rad.model.condition
 class Equals
          The Equals condition implements the comparison of values.
 class Greater
          The Greater condition implements the comparison ">"(greater) of values.
 class GreaterEquals
          The GreaterEquals condition implements the comparison ">="(greater equals) of values.
 class Less
          The Less condition implements the comparison "<"(less) of values.
 class LessEquals
          The LessEquals condition implements the comparison "<="(less equals) of values.
 class Like
          The Like condition implements the comparison of values with wildcards. *,?
 class LikeIgnoreCase
          The LikeIgnoreCase condition implements the comparison of values with wildcards and ignors case. *,?
 class LikeReverse
          The LikeReverse condition implements the comparison of values with wildcards. *,?
 class LikeReverseIgnoreCase
          The LikeReverseIgnoreCase condition implements the comparison of values with wildcards and ignors case. *,?

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