Class GreaterEquals

  extended by javax.rad.model.condition.BaseCondition
      extended by javax.rad.model.condition.CompareCondition
          extended by javax.rad.model.condition.GreaterEquals
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, ICondition

public class GreaterEquals
extends CompareCondition

The GreaterEquals condition implements the comparison ">="(greater equals) of values.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance of GreaterEquals.
GreaterEquals(IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName)
          Constructs a new GreaterEquals Condition, with a column, the IDataRow to check and if null values should be ignored.
GreaterEquals(IDataRow pDataRow, String pColumnName, boolean pIgnoreNull)
          Constructs a new GreaterEquals Condition, with a column, the IDataRow to check and that null values will be ignored. setIgnoreNull(true).
GreaterEquals(IDataRow pDataRow, String pDataRowColumnName, String pColumnName)
          Constructs a new GreaterEquals Condition, with a column, the IDataRow to check, the column name to use in the IDataRow to get the value and that null values will be ignored. setIgnoreNull(true).
GreaterEquals(IDataRow pDataRow, String pDataRowColumnName, String pColumnName, boolean pIgnoreNull)
          Constructs a new GreaterEquals Condition, with a column, the IDataRow to check, the column name to use in the IDataRow to get the value and if null values should be ignored.
GreaterEquals(String pColumnName, Object pValue)
          Creates a new instance of GreaterEquals with a defined compare value.
GreaterEquals(String pColumnName, Object pValue, boolean pIgnoreNull)
          Creates a new instance of GreaterEquals with a defined compare value.
Method Summary
protected  boolean isFulfilled(IDataType pDataType, Object pValue)
          It checks if the pValue fulfill the ICondition, under usage of the specified IDataType.
Methods inherited from class javax.rad.model.condition.CompareCondition
clone, getColumnName, getDataRow, getDataRowColumnName, getValue, isFulfilled, isIgnoreNull, setColumnName, setIgnoreNull, setValue
Methods inherited from class javax.rad.model.condition.BaseCondition
and, or, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GreaterEquals()
Creates a new instance of GreaterEquals.


public GreaterEquals(String pColumnName,
                     Object pValue)
Creates a new instance of GreaterEquals with a defined compare value.

pColumnName - the column name for the value comparison
pValue - the value to compare


public GreaterEquals(String pColumnName,
                     Object pValue,
                     boolean pIgnoreNull)
Creates a new instance of GreaterEquals with a defined compare value. It's possible to compare null values if desired.

pColumnName - the column name for the value comparison
pValue - the value to compare
pIgnoreNull - true if null values are desired


public GreaterEquals(IDataRow pDataRow,
                     String pColumnName)
Constructs a new GreaterEquals Condition, with a column, the IDataRow to check and if null values should be ignored. It uses the column name of the ComparCondition for the column name in the IDataRow to get the value.

pDataRow - the IDataRow to use for the compare.
pColumnName - the column name to use for the compare operation


public GreaterEquals(IDataRow pDataRow,
                     String pColumnName,
                     boolean pIgnoreNull)
Constructs a new GreaterEquals Condition, with a column, the IDataRow to check and that null values will be ignored. setIgnoreNull(true). It uses the column name of the ComparCondition for the column name in the IDataRow to get the value.

pDataRow - the IDataRow to use for the compare.
pColumnName - the column name to use for the compare operation
pIgnoreNull - determines if null values should be ignored.


public GreaterEquals(IDataRow pDataRow,
                     String pDataRowColumnName,
                     String pColumnName)
Constructs a new GreaterEquals Condition, with a column, the IDataRow to check, the column name to use in the IDataRow to get the value and that null values will be ignored. setIgnoreNull(true).

pDataRow - the IDataRow to use for the compare.
pDataRowColumnName - the column name in the IDataRow to use for the compare.
pColumnName - the column name to use for the compare operation


public GreaterEquals(IDataRow pDataRow,
                     String pDataRowColumnName,
                     String pColumnName,
                     boolean pIgnoreNull)
Constructs a new GreaterEquals Condition, with a column, the IDataRow to check, the column name to use in the IDataRow to get the value and if null values should be ignored.

pDataRow - the IDataRow to use for the compare.
pDataRowColumnName - the column name in the IDataRow to use for the compare.
pColumnName - the column name to use for the compare operation
pIgnoreNull - determines if null values should be ignored.
Method Detail


protected boolean isFulfilled(IDataType pDataType,
                              Object pValue)
It checks if the pValue fulfill the ICondition, under usage of the specified IDataType.

Specified by:
isFulfilled in class CompareCondition
pDataType - the IDataType to use for the compare operation
pValue - the value to check against.
true, if the ICondition is fulfilled.

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