Uses of Class

Packages that use TreePath
com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem Contains all storage independent model classes. 
javax.rad.model Contains all model interfaces, abstract base and exception classes. 

Uses of TreePath in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem that return TreePath
 TreePath MemDataBook.getTreePath()
          Gets the tree current tree path.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem with parameters of type TreePath
 IDataPage MemDataBook.getDataPage(IDataRow pRootRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath and root row.
 IDataPage MemDataBook.getDataPage(TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath.
 boolean MemDataBook.hasDataPage(IDataRow pRootDataRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Returns true if an IDataPage to specified root row and TreePath from the master DataBook exists.
 void MemDataBook.removeDataPage(IDataRow pMasterDataRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Removes the DataPage to the specified master DataRow or TreePath.
 void MemDataBook.setTreePath(TreePath pTreePath)
          Sets the tree current tree path.

Uses of TreePath in javax.rad.model

Methods in javax.rad.model that return TreePath
 TreePath TreePath.getChildPath(int... pArray)
          Adds the given array to this TreePath.
 TreePath TreePath.getParentPath()
          Gets the parent tree path.
 TreePath TreePath.getSubPath(int pLevel)
          Returns the sub path from the position of the given level.
 TreePath IDataBook.getTreePath()
          Gets the tree current tree path.
 TreePath TreePath.set(int pIndex, int pValue)
          Sets the value of a given index.

Methods in javax.rad.model with parameters of type TreePath
 boolean TreePath.containsAsParent(TreePath pTreePath)
          Returns true, if the given tree path is a parent path of this tree path.
 IDataPage IDataBook.getDataPage(IDataRow pRootRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath and root row.
 IDataPage IDataBook.getDataPage(TreePath pTreePath)
          Gets the IDataPage for the given TreePath.
 void IDataBook.removeDataPage(IDataRow pMasterDataRow, TreePath pTreePath)
          Removes the DataPage to the specified master DataRow or TreePath.
 void IDataBook.setTreePath(TreePath pTreePath)
          Sets the tree current tree path.

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