Uses of Class

Packages that use SortDefinition
com.sibvisions.rad.model Contains model implementations. 
com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem Contains all storage independent model classes. 
com.sibvisions.rad.persist Contains implementations of the persistence definitions. 
com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc Contains all database specific persistence implementations. 
javax.rad.model Contains all model interfaces, abstract base and exception classes. 
javax.rad.persist Contains classes and interfaces needed for java persistence. 

Uses of SortDefinition in com.sibvisions.rad.model

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model with parameters of type SortDefinition
static void DataBookUtil.writeCSV(IDataBook pBook, OutputStream pStream, String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort)
          Writes all rows and values of a databook, as comma separated values to a stream.
static void DataBookUtil.writeCSV(IDataBook pBook, OutputStream pStream, String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, String pSeparator)
          Writes all rows and values of a databook, as comma separated values to a stream.

Uses of SortDefinition in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem that return SortDefinition
 SortDefinition MemDataBook.getSort()
          Returns the sort order for this IDataBook.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem with parameters of type SortDefinition
 int DataRow.compareTo(IDataRow pDataRow, SortDefinition pSortDefinition)
          It compares the drDataRow with this IDataRow and it uses the columns and order information (asc, desc) in the SortDefintion.
 void MemDataBook.setSort(SortDefinition pSort)
          Sets the sort order for this IDataBook.

Uses of SortDefinition in com.sibvisions.rad.persist

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist that return SortDefinition
 SortDefinition AbstractMemStorage.getDefaultSort()
          Gets the default sort definition.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist with parameters of type SortDefinition
 IFileHandle AbstractStorage.createCSV(String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort)
          Write the current DBStorage with the specified filter and sort to the export.csv file in CSV format and returns the file handle.
 IFileHandle AbstractStorage.createCSV(String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, String pLanguage)
          Write the current DBStorage with the specified filter and sort to the export.csv file in CSV format and returns the file handle.
 IFileHandle AbstractStorage.createCSV(String pFileName, String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort)
          Write the current DBStorage with the specified filter and sort to the export.csv file in CSV format and returns the file handle.
abstract  List<Object[]> AbstractStorage.executeFetch(ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, int pFromRow, int pMinimumRowCount)
          This method has to be implemented in the Storage implementation and should have the functionality of the fetch method.
 List<Object[]> AbstractMemStorage.executeFetch(ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, int pFromRow, int pMinimumRowCount)
          This method has to be implemented in the Storage implementation and should have the functionality of the fetch method.
 List<Object[]> AbstractStorage.executeFetchAsBean(ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, int pFromRow, int pMinimumRowCount)
          This method will be used if AbstractStorage.fetchBean(ICondition, SortDefinition, int, int) was called.
 List<Object[]> AbstractMemStorage.executeFetchAsBean(ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, int pFromRow, int pMinimumRowCount)
          This method will be used if AbstractStorage.fetchBean(ICondition, SortDefinition, int, int) was called.
<T> List<T>
AbstractStorage.fetch(Class<T> pClass, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, int pFromRow, int pMinimumRowCount)
          Returns the requested list of beans/POJOs from the storage.
 List<Object[]> AbstractStorage.fetch(ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, int pFromRow, int pMinimumRowCount)
          Returns the requested rows as List[Object[]].
 List<IBean> AbstractStorage.fetchBean(ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, int pFromRow, int pMinimumRowCount)
          Returns the requested list of beans from the storage.
 void AbstractMemStorage.setDefaultSort(SortDefinition pSort)
          Sets the default sort definition.
abstract  void AbstractStorage.writeCSV(OutputStream pStream, String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, String pSeparator)
          Write the current storage with the specified filter and sort into the given output stream as CSV Format.
 void AbstractMemStorage.writeCSV(OutputStream pStream, String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, String pSeparator)
          Write the current storage with the specified filter and sort into the given output stream as CSV Format.

Uses of SortDefinition in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc that return SortDefinition
 SortDefinition DBStorage.getDefaultSort()
          Returns the default sort.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc with parameters of type SortDefinition
 List<Object[]> DBStorage.executeFetch(ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, int pFromRow, int pMinimumRowCount)
          This method has to be implemented in the Storage implementation and should have the functionality of the fetch method.
 List<Object[]> IDBAccess.fetch(ServerMetaData pServerMetaData, String pBeforeQueryColumns, String[] pQueryColumns, String pFromClause, ICondition pFilter, String pWhereClause, String pAfterWhereClause, SortDefinition pSort, int pFromRow, int pMinimumRowCount)
          Returns the List of fetched rows (as List of Object[]) for the specified query tables and parameters.
 List<Object[]> DBAccess.fetch(ServerMetaData pServerMetaData, String pBeforeQueryColumns, String[] pQueryColumns, String pFromClause, ICondition pFilter, String pLastWhereCondition, String pAfterWhereClause, SortDefinition pSort, int pFromRow, int pMinimumRowCount)
          Returns the List of fetched rows (as List of Object[]) for the specified query tables and parameters.
 void DBStorage.setDefaultSort(SortDefinition pDefaultSort)
          Sets the default sort.
 void DBStorage.writeCSV(OutputStream pOutputStream, String[] pColumnNames, String[] pLabels, ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, String pSeparator)
          Write the current storage with the specified filter and sort into the given output stream as CSV Format.

Uses of SortDefinition in javax.rad.model

Methods in javax.rad.model that return SortDefinition
 SortDefinition SortDefinition.clone()
          Clone an ISortDefinition.
 SortDefinition IDataBook.getSort()
          Returns the sort order for this IDataBook.

Methods in javax.rad.model with parameters of type SortDefinition
 int IDataRow.compareTo(IDataRow pDataRow, SortDefinition pSortDefinition)
          It compares the drDataRow with this IDataRow and it uses the columns and order information (asc, desc) in the SortDefintion.
 void IDataBook.setSort(SortDefinition pSort)
          Sets the sort order for this IDataBook.

Uses of SortDefinition in javax.rad.persist

Methods in javax.rad.persist with parameters of type SortDefinition
 List<Object[]> IStorage.fetch(ICondition pFilter, SortDefinition pSort, int pFromRow, int pMinimumRowCount)
          Returns the requested rows as List[Object[]].

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