Uses of Interface

Packages that use IRowDefinition
com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem Contains all storage independent model classes. 
javax.rad.model Contains all model interfaces, abstract base and exception classes. 

Uses of IRowDefinition in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem

Fields in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem declared as IRowDefinition
protected  IRowDefinition DataRow.rdRowDefinition
          The RowDefinition of this DataRow.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem that return IRowDefinition
 IRowDefinition DataRow.getRowDefinition()
          Returns the IRowDefinition of the IDataRow.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem with parameters of type IRowDefinition
 void MemDataBook.setRowDefinition(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition)
          Sets the IRowDefinition of the IDataBook.

Constructors in com.sibvisions.rad.model.mem with parameters of type IRowDefinition
ChangeableDataRow(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition)
          Constructs a DataRow with a given IRowDefinition.
ChangeableDataRow(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition, Object[] pData, IDataPage pDataPage, int pRowIndex)
          Constructs a DataRow with a given IRowDefinition and initialize it a copy of the Object[]<> data.
DataRow(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition)
          Constructs a DataRow with a given IRowDefinition.
DataRow(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition, Object[] pData)
          Constructs a DataRow with a given IRowDefinition and initialize it a copy of the Object[]<> data.

Uses of IRowDefinition in javax.rad.model

Classes in javax.rad.model that implement IRowDefinition
 class RowDefinition
          A RowDefinition contains all ColumnDefintion's of a DataRow.

Methods in javax.rad.model that return IRowDefinition
 IRowDefinition RowDefinition.createRowDefinition(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns a cloned IRowDefinition with only a subset of ColumnDefinitions, specified by a column name String[].
 IRowDefinition IRowDefinition.createRowDefinition(String[] pColumnNames)
          Returns a cloned IRowDefinition with only a subset of ColumnDefinitions, specified by a column name String[].
 IRowDefinition IDataRow.getRowDefinition()
          Returns the IRowDefinition of the IDataRow.
 IRowDefinition ColumnDefinition.getRowDefinition()
          Returns the IRowDefinition for this ColumnDefinition.
 IRowDefinition[] ColumnView.getRowDefinitions()
          Gets all IRowDefinition that are currently added.

Methods in javax.rad.model with parameters of type IRowDefinition
 void ColumnView.addRowDefinition(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition)
          Adds an IRowDefinition.
 void ColumnView.removeRowDefinition(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition)
          Removes an IRowDefinition.
 void IDataBook.setRowDefinition(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition)
          Sets the IRowDefinition of the IDataBook.
 void ColumnDefinition.setRowDefinition(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition)
          Sets the IRowDefinition for this ColumnDefinition.

Constructors in javax.rad.model with parameters of type IRowDefinition
ColumnView(IRowDefinition pRowDefinition)
          Constructs a new ColumnView for all columns of the given row definition.

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