Uses of Class

Packages that use XmlNode
com.sibvisions.rad.server.config Contains classes which are used for configuration purposes. Contains classes which handles the validation of username/password combinations, with different protocols and different authentication systems. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui Contains technology and platform dependent UI implementations. 
com.sibvisions.util.xml Contains utility classes for handling xml files. 
javax.rad.server Contains classes and interfaces needed for implementing a remote server. 

Uses of XmlNode in com.sibvisions.rad.server.config

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.server.config that return XmlNode
 XmlNode UpToDateConfigFile.getNode(String pName)
          Gets the value for a property as xml representation.
 XmlNode ApplicationZone.getNode(String pName)
          Gets the xml node for a property name from the application configuration.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.server.config that return types with arguments of type XmlNode
 List<XmlNode> UpToDateConfigFile.getNodes(String pName)
          Gets the value for a property as xml representation.
 List<XmlNode> ApplicationZone.getNodes(String pName)
          Gets the xml node or a list of nodes for a property name from the application configuration.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.server.config with parameters of type XmlNode
protected  void UpToDateConfigFile.setContent(XmlNode pNode)
          Sets the internal data node.
 void UpToDateConfigFile.setNode(String pName, XmlNode pNode)
          Sets a specific node to the application configuration file.

Uses of XmlNode in

Methods in with parameters of type XmlNode
static DBCredentials DataSourceHandler.createDBCredentials(XmlNode pNode)
          Creates a new instance of DBCredentials with information provided in xml format.

Uses of XmlNode in com.sibvisions.rad.ui

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui that return XmlNode
static XmlNode ApplicationUtil.getConfig(ILauncher pLauncher, String pName)
          Gets the parsed xml configuration.

Uses of XmlNode in com.sibvisions.util.xml

Methods in com.sibvisions.util.xml that return XmlNode
static XmlNode XmlNode.createDoctype(String pName, String pPublicId, String pSystemId)
          Creates the xml doctype tag <!
static XmlNode XmlNode.createXmlDeclaration()
          Creates the xml declaration tag <?
 XmlNode XmlNode.getNode(String pNodePath)
          Gets a specific (sub) XmlNode based on the current XmlNode.
 XmlNode XmlNode.getParent()
          Gets the parent XmlNode.
 XmlNode XmlNode.insertNode(String pNodePath, Object pValue)
          Inserts a specific XmlNode at a defined position based on the current XmlNode.
 XmlNode pSource)
          Parses a xml file and create a XmlNode structure.
 XmlNode pXmlSource)
          Parses a xml file and create a XmlNode structure.
 XmlNode XmlNode.removeNode(String pNodePath)
          Removes a specific (sub) XmlNode based on the current XmlNode.
 XmlNode XmlNode.setNode(String pNodePath, Object pValue)
          Sets a specific (sub) XmlNode based on the current XmlNode.

Methods in com.sibvisions.util.xml that return types with arguments of type XmlNode
 List<XmlNode> XmlNode.getNodes(String pNodePath)
          Gets a list of XmlNodes based on the current XmlNode.
 List<XmlNode> XmlNode.getSubNodes()
          Gets the list of sub XmlNode elements.

Methods in com.sibvisions.util.xml with parameters of type XmlNode
 void XmlNode.add(XmlNode xmnSub)
          Adds a XmlNode as a known sub node, at the end of the known sub nodes list.
 void XmlNode.insert(int iPosition, XmlNode xmnSub)
          Inserts a XmlNode as a known sub node at a defined position, in the sub node list.
 boolean XmlNode.remove(XmlNode xmnSub)
          Remove a sub XmlNode from the known sub nodes.
 void XmlWorker.write(File pTarget, XmlNode pNode)
          Writes the structure of a XmlNode as xml stream to the specified target file.
 void XmlWorker.write(OutputStream pXmlTarget, XmlNode pNode)
          Writes the structure of a XmlNode as xml stream to the specified target stream.

Constructors in com.sibvisions.util.xml with parameters of type XmlNode
XmlNode(short pType, String pName, String pValue, XmlNode pParentNode)
          Creates a new instance of XmlNode.
XmlNode(short pType, String pName, XmlNode pParentNode)
          Creates a new instance of XmlNode with a parent.

Uses of XmlNode in javax.rad.server

Methods in javax.rad.server that return XmlNode
 XmlNode IConfiguration.getNode(String pName)
          Gets the value for a property in xml representation.

Methods in javax.rad.server that return types with arguments of type XmlNode
 List<XmlNode> IConfiguration.getNodes(String pName)
          Gets a list of values for a property in xml representation.

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