Package javax.rad.server

Contains classes and interfaces needed for implementing a remote server.


Interface Summary
IConfiguration The IConfiguration defines the access to the application or server configuration.
IServer The IServer interface defines the methods which are necessary for remote server implementations.
ISession Provides a way to identify a user and to store information about that user.

Class Summary
AbstractObjectProvider An AbstractObjectProvider handles the access to the life-cycle objects for all sessions.
AbstractSessionManager A AbstractSessionManager defines the access to the server-side session handling.
InjectObject The InjectObject is a POJO which holds an object with a specific name.
ResultObject The ResultObject encapsulates the return type and value of a remote call.
SessionContext A SessionContext contains all of the per-request state information related to the processing of a single server call.

Package javax.rad.server Description

Contains classes and interfaces needed for implementing a remote server.

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