Uses of Class

Packages that use ChangedHashtable
com.sibvisions.rad.server Contains remote server classes and dependent components. 
javax.rad.remote Contains all important interfaces for implementing the client/server communication. 
javax.rad.server Contains classes and interfaces needed for implementing a remote server. 

Uses of ChangedHashtable in com.sibvisions.rad.server

Fields in com.sibvisions.rad.server declared as ChangedHashtable
protected  ChangedHashtable<String,Object> AbstractSession.chtExternalProperties
          the properties got via constructor.
protected  ChangedHashtable<String,Object> AbstractSession.chtProperties
          the client and server properties.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.server that return ChangedHashtable
 ChangedHashtable<String,Object> AbstractSession.getProperties()
          Gets a reference to the internal properties.
 ChangedHashtable<String,Object> Server.getProperties(Object pSessionId)
          Gets all session properties.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.server with parameters of type ChangedHashtable
 Object Server.createSession(ChangedHashtable<String,Object> pProperties)
          Creates a new session for an application.
 Object DefaultSessionManager.createSession(IRequest pRequest, ISerializer pSerializer, ChangedHashtable<String,Object> pProperties)
          Creates an authenticated session for an application.
 Object DefaultSessionManager.createSubSession(IRequest pRequest, AbstractSession pSession, ChangedHashtable<String,Object> pProperties)
          Creates a new SubSession for an already authenticated main session.
 Object Server.createSubSession(Object pSessionId, ChangedHashtable<String,Object> pProperties)
          Creates a sub session of an application.

Uses of ChangedHashtable in javax.rad.remote

Methods in javax.rad.remote that return ChangedHashtable
protected  ChangedHashtable<String,Object> MasterConnection.createConnectionProperties()
          Gets the properties which will be sent to the server when opening a new connection.
protected  ChangedHashtable<String,Object> AbstractConnection.createConnectionProperties()
          Gets the properties which will be sent to the server when opening a new connection.
 ChangedHashtable<String,Object> ConnectionInfo.getProperties()
          Gets the current connection properties.

Constructors in javax.rad.remote with parameters of type ChangedHashtable
ConnectionInfo(ChangedHashtable<String,Object> pProperties)
          Creates a new instance of ConnectionInfo with predefined connection properties.

Uses of ChangedHashtable in javax.rad.server

Methods in javax.rad.server that return ChangedHashtable
 ChangedHashtable<String,Object> IServer.getProperties(Object pSessionId)
          Gets all session properties.

Methods in javax.rad.server with parameters of type ChangedHashtable
 Object IServer.createSession(ChangedHashtable<String,Object> pProperties)
          Creates a new session for an application.
 Object IServer.createSubSession(Object pSessionId, ChangedHashtable<String,Object> pProperties)
          Creates a sub session of an application.

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