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Projectmanagement and Consulting

We stand by your side to consult and support in all te phases of your software project.

What makes the difference:

  • All our project manager and IT consultants have longstanding practical experience in project management, requirements analysis, test management, technical design and development of complex individualized software projects
  • We identify ourselves with your software solution and coordinate your projects in an independent manner, thereby helping you to achieve your goals fully
  • Our project managers understand your business needs, can perform any necessary technical actions and fully understand the project

How do we proceed:

  • Together we define project management documents and give you the best possible advice to solve your complex IT problems
  • We make use of our templates for project handbooks, protocols, status reports, test cases, etc.
  • We identify the gap between te IS and the SHOULD state
  • We guarantee high quality for the consulting services agreed upon with you, keep the overall goal in mind at all times and proactively identify inconsistencies

JVx Support | Training Enjoy professional developer support for your projects.

Individual Solutions With JVx, we implement your ideas and requirements on time and budget.
