Uses of Class

Packages that use UIActionEvent
com.sibvisions.rad.application Contains base classes for application creation. 
javax.rad.ui.event Provides classes for dealing with different types of events fired by UI components. 

Uses of UIActionEvent in com.sibvisions.rad.application

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.application with parameters of type UIActionEvent
 void Application.doAbout(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Opens the about dialog.
 void Message.doCancel(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Closes the message when the Cancel/No button was clicked and redispatches the event to the Message.getOpener(), if an action is defined for the Cancel/No button.
 void Application.doChangePassword(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Change the password.
 void Error.doDetails(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Shows the details.
 void Application.doExit(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Performs the exit of the application.
 void Application.doHelp(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Opens the help system.
 void Application.doHideChangePassword(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Shows the change password screen.
 void Application.doHideLogin(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Hides the login screen.
 void Application.doLogin(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          The event method for the logon button.
 void Application.doLogout(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Closes the opened connections.
 void Message.doOk(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Closes the message when the OK/Yes button was clicked and redispatches the event to the Message.getOpener(), if an action is defined for the OK/Yes button.
 void Error.doOk(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Closes the content.
 void About.doOk(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Closes the dialog when the OK button was clicked.
 void Application.doShowChangePassword(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Shows the change password screen.
 void Application.doShowLogin(UIActionEvent pEvent)
          Shows the login screen.

Uses of UIActionEvent in javax.rad.ui.event

Methods in javax.rad.ui.event with parameters of type UIActionEvent
 void IActionListener.action(UIActionEvent pActionEvent)
          Invoked when a action occurred.

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