Uses of Interface

Packages that use IToggleActionComponent
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.component Contains Swing component implementations based on the platform and technology independent interface definitions. Contains Swing menu implementations based on the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
javax.rad.genui.component Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent component interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent menu interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.ui.component Contains all interfaces to develop components for a graphical user interface. Contains all interfaces to develop menues (menubar, popupmenu, menuitem) for a graphical user interface. 

Uses of IToggleActionComponent in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.component

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl.component that implement IToggleActionComponent
 class SwingCheckBox
          The SwingCheckBox is the ICheckBox implementation for swing.
 class SwingRadioButton
          The SwingRadioButton is the IRadioButton implementation for swing.
 class SwingToggleButton<C extends JToggleButton>
          The SwingToggleButton is the IToggleButton implementation for swing.

Uses of IToggleActionComponent in

Classes in that implement IToggleActionComponent
 class SwingCheckBoxMenuItem
          The SwingCheckBoxMenuItem is the ICheckBoxMenuItem implementation for swing.

Uses of IToggleActionComponent in javax.rad.genui.component

Classes in javax.rad.genui.component that implement IToggleActionComponent
 class AbstractUIToggleButton<C extends IToggleButton>
          Platform and technology independent toggle button.
 class UICheckBox
          Platform and technology independent checkbox.
 class UIRadioButton
          Platform and technology independent radio button.
 class UIToggleButton
          Platform and technology independent toggle button.

Uses of IToggleActionComponent in

Classes in that implement IToggleActionComponent
 class UICheckBoxMenuItem
          Platform and technology independent checkbox menuitem.

Uses of IToggleActionComponent in javax.rad.ui.component

Subinterfaces of IToggleActionComponent in javax.rad.ui.component
 interface ICheckBox
          Platform and technology independent checkbox definition.
 interface IRadioButton
          Platform and technology independent radio button definition.
 interface IToggleButton
          Platform and technology independent toggle button definition.

Uses of IToggleActionComponent in

Subinterfaces of IToggleActionComponent in
 interface ICheckBoxMenuItem
          Platform and technology independent checkbox menuitem definition.

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