Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractConnection
com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote Contains model implementations for accessing remote data. 
javax.rad.application Contains all interfaces to develop an application. 
javax.rad.application.genui Contains implementations of the generic application interfaces. 
javax.rad.remote Contains all important interfaces for implementing the client/server communication. 
javax.rad.remote.event Contains all event relevant interfaces and classes for the network communication package. 

Uses of AbstractConnection in com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote that return AbstractConnection
 AbstractConnection RemoteDataSource.getConnection()
          Returns the AbstractConnection to the server IStorage object.
protected  AbstractConnection RemoteDataBook.getConnection()
          Returns the AbstractConnection of the RemoteDataSource for this StorageDataSource.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote with parameters of type AbstractConnection
static void RemoteDataSource.clearGlobalMetaData(AbstractConnection pConnection)
          Clears the meta data cache for the given application.
static MetaData RemoteDataSource.getGlobalMetaData(AbstractConnection pConnection, String pKey)
          Returns the column meta data from the global client cache.
static void RemoteDataSource.putGlobalMetaData(AbstractConnection pConnection, String pKey, MetaData pMetaData)
          Puts the column meta data to the global client cache.
 void RemoteDataSource.setConnection(AbstractConnection pConnection)
          Sets the AbstractConnection to the server IStorage object.

Constructors in com.sibvisions.rad.model.remote with parameters of type AbstractConnection
RemoteDataSource(AbstractConnection pConnection)
          It constructs a new RemoteDataSource with the given AbstractConnection.

Uses of AbstractConnection in javax.rad.application

Methods in javax.rad.application that return AbstractConnection
 AbstractConnection IConnectable.getConnection()
          Gets the communication connection.

Methods in javax.rad.application with parameters of type AbstractConnection
 void IConnectable.setConnection(AbstractConnection pConnection)
          Sets the communication connection.

Uses of AbstractConnection in javax.rad.application.genui

Methods in javax.rad.application.genui that return AbstractConnection
 AbstractConnection RemoteWorkScreen.getConnection()
          Gets the communication connection.
 AbstractConnection RemoteApplication.getConnection()
          Gets the communication connection.

Methods in javax.rad.application.genui with parameters of type AbstractConnection
 void RemoteWorkScreen.setConnection(AbstractConnection pConnection)
          Sets the communication connection.
 void RemoteApplication.setConnection(AbstractConnection pConnection)
          Sets the communication connection.

Constructors in javax.rad.application.genui with parameters of type AbstractConnection
RemoteApplication(UILauncher pLauncher, AbstractConnection pConnection)
          Creates a new instance of RemoteApplication with a desired launcher and connection.
RemoteWorkScreen(IWorkScreenApplication pApplication, AbstractConnection pConnection)
          Creates a new instance of RemoteWorkScreen with a desired launcher and connection.
RemoteWorkScreenApplication(UILauncher pLauncher, AbstractConnection pConnection)
          Creates a new instance of RemoteApplication with a desired launcher and connection.

Uses of AbstractConnection in javax.rad.remote

Subclasses of AbstractConnection in javax.rad.remote
 class MasterConnection
          The MasterConnection provides sub connections and an alive check for all known connections.
 class SubConnection
          The SubConnection uses the connection of a MasterConnection for transfering data to the server.

Uses of AbstractConnection in javax.rad.remote.event

Methods in javax.rad.remote.event that return AbstractConnection
 AbstractConnection ConnectionEvent.getConnection()
          Gets the connection.

Constructors in javax.rad.remote.event with parameters of type AbstractConnection
ConnectionEvent(AbstractConnection pConnection)
          Creates a new instance of ConnectionEvent.

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