Uses of Class

Packages that use UIResource
com.sibvisions.rad.application Contains base classes for application creation. 
javax.rad.application.genui Contains implementations of the generic application interfaces. 
javax.rad.genui Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.genui.component Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent component interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.genui.container Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent container interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.genui.control Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent control interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 
javax.rad.genui.layout Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent layout interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent menu interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 

Uses of UIResource in com.sibvisions.rad.application

Subclasses of UIResource in com.sibvisions.rad.application
 class About
          The About class is the About dialog of the application.
 class Dialog
          The Dialog class is a dialog content that shows a component and allows configuration of available buttons.
 class Error
          The Error is designed to visualize errors occured in an application.
 class Login
          The Login creates and layouts the UI components for the login screen of the Application application.
 class Message
          The Message class is an UIInternalFrame to display messages on the screen.

Uses of UIResource in javax.rad.application.genui

Subclasses of UIResource in javax.rad.application.genui
 class Application
          The Application is an abstract implementation of IApplication.
 class Content
          The Content is the default IContent implementation and extends an UIPanel.
 class RemoteApplication
          The RemoteApplication extends the Application with an AbstractConnection.
 class RemoteWorkScreen
          The RemoteWorkScreen extends the WorkScreen with an AbstractConnection.
 class RemoteWorkScreenApplication
          The RemoteWorkScreenApplication is a RemoteApplication with IWorkScreenApplication implemented.
 class UILauncher
          The UILauncher is an AbstractFrame extension.
 class WorkScreen
          The WorkScreen is a default implementation of IWorkScreen.

Uses of UIResource in javax.rad.genui

Subclasses of UIResource in javax.rad.genui
 class UIColor
          Platform and technology independent Color.
 class UIComponent<C extends IComponent>
          Platform and technology independent component.
 class UIContainer<C extends IContainer>
          Platform and technology independent Container.
 class UICursor
          Platform and technology independent Cursor.
 class UIDimension
          Platform and technology independent Dimension.
 class UIFactoryResource<UI extends IResource>
          The UIFactoryResource holds the resource per factory.
 class UIFont
          Platform and technology independent Font.
 class UIImage
          Platform and technology independent image definition.
 class UIInsets
          Platform and technology independent Insets.
 class UILayout<C extends ILayout<CO>,CO>
          Platform and technology independent layout.
 class UIPoint
          Platform and technology independent point.
 class UIRectangle
          Platform and technology independent rectangle.

Uses of UIResource in javax.rad.genui.component

Subclasses of UIResource in javax.rad.genui.component
 class AbstractUIActionComponent<C extends IActionComponent>
          Platform and technology independent action component.
 class AbstractUIButton<C extends IButton>
          Platform and technology independent button.
 class AbstractUITextField<C extends ITextField>
          Platform and technology independent text field.
 class AbstractUIToggleButton<C extends IToggleButton>
          Platform and technology independent toggle button.
 class UIButton
          Platform and technology independent button.
 class UICheckBox
          Platform and technology independent checkbox.
 class UICustomComponent
          Platform and technology independent component.
 class UIIcon
          Platform and technology independent Icon.
 class UILabel
          Platform and technology independent Label.
 class UIPasswordField
          Platform and technology independent password field.
 class UIRadioButton
          Platform and technology independent radio button.
 class UITextArea
          Platform and technology independent text area.
 class UITextField
          Platform and technology independent text field.
 class UIToggleButton
          Platform and technology independent toggle button.

Uses of UIResource in javax.rad.genui.container

Subclasses of UIResource in javax.rad.genui.container
 class AbstractFrame<C extends IFrame>
          Platform and technology independent frame.
 class AbstractWindow<C extends IWindow>
          Platform and technology independent window.
 class UICustomContainer
          Platform and technology independent container.
 class UIDesktopPanel
          Platform and technology independent DesktopPanel.
 class UIFrame
          Platform and technology independent Frame.
 class UIGroupPanel
          Platform and technology independent GroupPanel.
 class UIInternalFrame
          Platform and technology independent InternalFrame.
 class UIPanel
          Platform and technology independent Panel.
 class UIScrollPanel
          Platform and technology independent ScrollPanel.
 class UISplitPanel
          Platform and technology independent SplitPanel.
 class UITabsetPanel
          Platform and technology independent TabSetPanel.
 class UIToolBar
          Platform and technology independent TabSetPanel.
 class UIToolBarPanel
          Platform and technology independent toolbar panel.
 class UIWindow
          Platform and technology independent Window.

Uses of UIResource in javax.rad.genui.control

Subclasses of UIResource in javax.rad.genui.control
 class UICellFormat
          Platform and technology independent CellFormat.
 class UIChart
          Platform and technology independent Table.
 class UIEditor
          Platform and technology independent Editor.
 class UITable
          Platform and technology independent Table.
 class UITree
          Platform and technology independent Tree.

Uses of UIResource in javax.rad.genui.layout

Subclasses of UIResource in javax.rad.genui.layout
 class UIBorderLayout
          Platform and technology independent BorderLayout.
 class UIFlowLayout
          Platform and technology independent FlowLayout.
 class UIFormLayout
          Platform and technology independent form oriented layout.

Uses of UIResource in

Subclasses of UIResource in
 class AbstractUIMenuItem<C extends IMenuItem>
          Platform and technology independent MenuItem.
 class UICheckBoxMenuItem
          Platform and technology independent checkbox menuitem.
 class UIMenu
          Platform and technology independent menu.
 class UIMenuBar
          Platform and technology independent menu bar.
 class UIMenuItem
          Platform and technology independent MenuItem.
 class UIPopupMenu
          Platform and technology independent popup menu.
 class UISeparator
          Platform and technology independent menu separator.

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