Uses of Class

Packages that use UIColor
javax.rad.genui Contains a generic implementation of the platform and technology independent interfaces to design graphical user interfaces. 

Uses of UIColor in javax.rad.genui

Fields in javax.rad.genui declared as UIColor
static UIColor
          The color black.
static UIColor
          The color blue.
static UIColor UIColor.controlActiveSelectionBackground
          The color for control active selection background color.
static UIColor UIColor.controlActiveSelectionForeground
          The color for control active selection foreground color.
static UIColor UIColor.controlAlternateBackground
          The color for control alternate background color.
static UIColor UIColor.controlBackground
          The color for control background color.
static UIColor UIColor.controlForeground
          The color for control foreground color.
static UIColor UIColor.controlInactiveSelectionBackground
          The color for control inactive selection background color.
static UIColor UIColor.controlInactiveSelectionForeground
          The color for control inactive selection foreground color.
static UIColor UIColor.controlMandatoryBackground
          The constant for control mandatory background color.
static UIColor UIColor.controlReadOnlyBackground
          The constant for control read only background color.
static UIColor UIColor.cyan
          The color cyan.
static UIColor UIColor.darkGray
          The color dark gray.
static UIColor UIColor.gray
          The color gray.
static UIColor
          The color green.
static UIColor UIColor.invalidEditorBackground
          The color for invalid editor background color.
static UIColor UIColor.lightGray
          The color light gray.
static UIColor UIColor.magenta
          The color magenta.
static UIColor
          The color orange.
static UIColor
          The color pink.
static UIColor
          The color red.
static UIColor UIColor.white
          The color white.
static UIColor UIColor.yellow
          The color yellow.

Methods in javax.rad.genui that return UIColor
static UIColor UIColor.createColor(String pValue)
          Creates a color from a list of int values (3(rgb) or 4(rgba) values), comma separated in a string, or in hex representation (#FF00FF).
static UIColor UIColor.getSystemColor(String pType)
          This encapsulate symbolic colors representing the color of native GUI objects on a system.

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