Uses of Class

Packages that use UILauncher
com.sibvisions.rad.application Contains base classes for application creation. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl Contains the Swing dependent interface implementations of the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
javax.rad.application.genui Contains implementations of the generic application interfaces. 

Uses of UILauncher in com.sibvisions.rad.application

Constructors in com.sibvisions.rad.application with parameters of type UILauncher
Application(UILauncher pLauncher)
          Creates a new instance of Main and configures the user interface.

Uses of UILauncher in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl with parameters of type UILauncher
 void pLauncher, Frame pFrame, IFileHandleReceiver pFileHandleReceiver, String pTitle)
          Shows an "open" dialog.
 void FileChooser.saveAs(UILauncher pLauncher, Frame pFrame, IFileHandle pFileHandle, String pTitle)
          Shows a "Save as" dialog.
 void FileChooser.selectDirectory(UILauncher pLauncher, Frame pFrame, IFileHandleReceiver pFileHandleReceiver, String pTitle)
          Shows an "open directory" dialog.

Uses of UILauncher in javax.rad.application.genui

Methods in javax.rad.application.genui that return UILauncher
 UILauncher Application.getLauncher()
          Returns the platform independent launcher which is associated with this factory.

Methods in javax.rad.application.genui with parameters of type UILauncher
protected  void Application.setLauncher(UILauncher pLauncher)
          Sets the launcher.

Constructors in javax.rad.application.genui with parameters of type UILauncher
Application(UILauncher pLauncher)
          Creates a new instance of Application with a desired launcher.
RemoteApplication(UILauncher pLauncher)
          Creates a new instance of RemoteApplication with a desired launcher.
RemoteApplication(UILauncher pLauncher, AbstractConnection pConnection)
          Creates a new instance of RemoteApplication with a desired launcher and connection.
RemoteWorkScreenApplication(UILauncher pLauncher)
          Creates a new instance of RemoteApplication with a desired launcher.
RemoteWorkScreenApplication(UILauncher pLauncher, AbstractConnection pConnection)
          Creates a new instance of RemoteApplication with a desired launcher and connection.

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