Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILauncher
com.sibvisions.rad.application Contains base classes for application creation. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui Contains technology and platform dependent UI implementations. 
com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl Contains the Swing dependent interface implementations of the platform and technology independent interface definitions. 
javax.rad.application Contains all interfaces to develop an application. 
javax.rad.application.genui Contains implementations of the generic application interfaces. 

Uses of ILauncher in com.sibvisions.rad.application

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.application that return ILauncher
static ILauncher ApplicationUtil.getLauncher(IComponent pComponent)
          Gets the launcher for a specific component.

Uses of ILauncher in com.sibvisions.rad.ui

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui with parameters of type ILauncher
static IApplication ApplicationUtil.createApplication(ILauncher pLauncher, ClassLoader pClassLoader, String pClassName)
          Creates an instance of an IApplication.
static IApplication ApplicationUtil.createApplication(ILauncher pLauncher, String pClassName)
          Creates an instance of an IApplication.
static XmlNode ApplicationUtil.getConfig(ILauncher pLauncher, String pName)
          Gets the parsed xml configuration.
static String ApplicationUtil.getRegistryApplicationName(ILauncher pLauncher)
          Gets the application name out of the launcher.
static String ApplicationUtil.replaceParameter(String pValue, ILauncher pLauncher)
          Replaces a parameter placeholder with the desired parameter.

Uses of ILauncher in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl

Classes in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl that implement ILauncher
 class SwingApplet.SwingAppletLauncher
          The SwingAppletLauncher is the ILauncher implementation for swing applet applications with full access to the JApplet.
 class SwingApplication
          The SwingApplication is the IApplication implementation for swing applications with full access to the JFrame.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.ui.swing.impl with parameters of type ILauncher
static void SwingFactory.setLookAndFeel(ILauncher pLauncher, String pClassName)
          Sets the look and feel which decorates all components.

Uses of ILauncher in javax.rad.application

Methods in javax.rad.application that return ILauncher
 ILauncher IApplication.getLauncher()
          Returns the platform independent launcher which is associated with this factory.

Uses of ILauncher in javax.rad.application.genui

Classes in javax.rad.application.genui that implement ILauncher
 class UILauncher
          The UILauncher is an AbstractFrame extension.

Constructors in javax.rad.application.genui with parameters of type ILauncher
UILauncher(ILauncher pLauncher)
          Creates a new instance of UILauncher with an ILauncher implementation.

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