Class Reflective

  extended by com.sibvisions.util.Reflective

public final class Reflective
extends Object

This is a utility class to call different methods of classes via java.lang.reflect package.

Nested Class Summary
static class Reflective.Parameter
          The Parameter class is a placeholder for parameters.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance of Reflective to ensure thread safety.
Method Summary
static Object call(Object pObject, boolean pOnlyDeclared, String pMethod, Object... pParams)
          Invokes the method of an object without changing the access to the method.
static Object call(Object pObject, Class<?> pBaseClass, boolean pOnlyDeclared, String pMethod, Object... pParams)
          Invokes the method of an object without changing the access to the method.
static Object call(Object pObject, String pMethod, Object... pParams)
          Invokes the method of an object without changing the access to the method.
static Object construct(Class<?> pClass, boolean pOnlyDeclared, Object... pParams)
          Invokes the constructor of a pre-loaded class.
static Object construct(Class<?> pClass, Object... pParams)
          Invokes the constructor of a pre-loaded class.
static Object construct(ClassLoader pClassLoader, String pClassName, Object... pParams)
          Invokes the constructor of a desired class.
static Object construct(String pClassName, Object... pParams)
          Invokes the constructor of a desired class.
static Object get(Object pObject, String pProperty)
          Invokes the get method of the given property.
static Method getMethod(Class<?> pBaseClass, boolean pOnlyDeclared, String pMethod, Class... pParamTypes)
          Gets the method with the given types.
static Method getMethod(Class<?> pBaseClass, String pMethod, Class... pParamTypes)
          Gets the method with the given types.
static String getMethodDeclaration(Class pClass, String pMethod, Object... pParams)
          Gets the human readable method declaration of a method with its parameter list.
static Object getValue(Object pObject, Field pField)
          Gets the value from a vield.
static Object getValue(Object pObject, String pFieldName)
          Gets the value from a field.
static Object invoke(Object pObject, Method pMethod, Object... pParams)
          Invokes a method with parameters.
 void invokeLater(Runnable pRunnable)
          Causes to be executed asynchronously on the current event dispatching thread.
static void printFields(Object pObject, boolean pOnlyDeclared)
          Prints out the fields and field values from a specific object.
static void printMethods(Object pObject, boolean pOnlyDeclared)
          Prints out the methods and return values from a specific object.
static void set(Object pObject, String pProperty, Object pValue)
          Invokes the set method of the given property.
static void setValue(Object pObject, Field pField, Object pValue)
          Sets a field on a specified object value.
static void setValue(Object pObject, String pFieldName, Object pValue)
          Sets a field on a specified object value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Reflective()
Creates a new instance of Reflective to ensure thread safety.

Method Detail


public static final Object construct(String pClassName,
                                     Object... pParams)
                              throws Throwable
Invokes the constructor of a desired class. The constructor will be found through its parameter list.

pClassName - full qualified class name
pParams - parameters for the constructor
object newly created object
Throwable - if it is not possible to invoke the constructor


public static final Object construct(ClassLoader pClassLoader,
                                     String pClassName,
                                     Object... pParams)
                              throws Throwable
Invokes the constructor of a desired class. The constructor will be found through its parameter list.

pClassLoader - an optional ClassLoader for dynamic class loading
pClassName - full qualified class name
pParams - parameters for the constructor
object newly created object
Throwable - if it is not possible to invoke the constructor


public static final Object construct(Class<?> pClass,
                                     Object... pParams)
                              throws Throwable
Invokes the constructor of a pre-loaded class. The constructor will be found through its parameter list.

pClass - the pre-loaded class
pParams - parameters for the constructor
object newly created object
Throwable - if it is not possible to invoke the constructor


public static final Object construct(Class<?> pClass,
                                     boolean pOnlyDeclared,
                                     Object... pParams)
                              throws Throwable
Invokes the constructor of a pre-loaded class. The constructor will be found through its parameter list.

pClass - the pre-loaded class
pOnlyDeclared - true to use only declared constructors
pParams - parameters for the constructor
object newly created object
Throwable - if it is not possible to invoke the constructor


public static final Object call(Object pObject,
                                String pMethod,
                                Object... pParams)
                         throws Throwable
Invokes the method of an object without changing the access to the method. The method needs the public modifier. If there are more than one methods with the same name, the parameterlist will be used to find the fitting method.

pObject - object with the desired method
pMethod - invocable method
pParams - parameters for the method
return value from the method invocation
Throwable - if it is not possible to invoke the method


public static final Object call(Object pObject,
                                boolean pOnlyDeclared,
                                String pMethod,
                                Object... pParams)
                         throws Throwable
Invokes the method of an object without changing the access to the method. The method needs the public modifier. If there are more than one methods with the same name, the parameterlist will be used to find the fitting method.

pObject - object with the desired method
pOnlyDeclared - true to use only declared methods
pMethod - invocable method
pParams - parameters for the method
return value from the method invocation
Throwable - if it is not possible to invoke the method


public static final Object call(Object pObject,
                                Class<?> pBaseClass,
                                boolean pOnlyDeclared,
                                String pMethod,
                                Object... pParams)
                         throws Throwable
Invokes the method of an object without changing the access to the method. The method needs the public modifier. If there are more than one methods with the same name, the parameterlist will be used to find the fitting method.

pObject - object with the desired method
pBaseClass - the object class or a super class from which the method will be called
pOnlyDeclared - true to use only declared methods
pMethod - invocable method
pParams - parameters for the method
return value from the method invocation
Throwable - if it is not possible to invoke the method


public static final String getMethodDeclaration(Class pClass,
                                                String pMethod,
                                                Object... pParams)
Gets the human readable method declaration of a method with its parameter list.

pClass - the class
pMethod - method or full qualified class name
pParams - parameter list
human readable method declaration e.g. java.util.File(java.lang.String);


public static void setValue(Object pObject,
                            String pFieldName,
                            Object pValue)
                     throws Throwable
Sets a field on a specified object value.

pObject - the object with the field
pFieldName - the field name
pValue - the new value
Throwable - if it is not possible to set the desired field
See Also:
setValue(Object, Field, Object)


public static void setValue(Object pObject,
                            Field pField,
                            Object pValue)
                     throws Throwable
Sets a field on a specified object value. If the field is not accessible, the access will be granted before, and revoked after the execution.

pObject - the object with the field
pField - the field
pValue - the new value
Throwable - if it is not possible to set the desired field


public static Object getValue(Object pObject,
                              String pFieldName)
                       throws Throwable
Gets the value from a field.

pObject - the object with the field
pFieldName - the field name
the value of the field
Throwable - if it is not possible to get the value of desired field or the field is not presend
See Also:
getValue(Object, Field)


public static Object getValue(Object pObject,
                              Field pField)
                       throws Throwable
Gets the value from a vield. If the field is not accessible, the access will be granted before, and revoked after the execution.

pObject - the object with the field
pField - the field
the value of the field
Throwable - if it is not possible to get the value of desired field or the field is not presend


public static Object invoke(Object pObject,
                            Method pMethod,
                            Object... pParams)
                     throws Throwable
Invokes a method with parameters. If the method is not accessible, the access will be granted before, and revoked after the execution.

pObject - the object with the method
pMethod - the method
pParams - the method parameters
the result of the method invokation
Throwable - if an error occurs during invocation


public static Object get(Object pObject,
                         String pProperty)
                  throws Throwable
Invokes the get method of the given property.

pObject - the object with the method
pProperty - the property
the value of the property.
Throwable - if an error occurs during invocation


public static void set(Object pObject,
                       String pProperty,
                       Object pValue)
                throws Throwable
Invokes the set method of the given property.

pObject - the object with the method
pProperty - the property
pValue - the value of the property.
Throwable - if an error occurs during invocation


public void invokeLater(Runnable pRunnable)
Causes to be executed asynchronously on the current event dispatching thread. There are different technologies with different invokeLater implementations. To find the UI dependent method the current factory manager will be used. If there is no factory manager, then the will be started within the current thread.

pRunnable - specific functionality to run asynchronous


public static final void printFields(Object pObject,
                                     boolean pOnlyDeclared)
Prints out the fields and field values from a specific object. If the field is not accessible, the access will be enabled.

pObject - an object
pOnlyDeclared - use only declared fields


public static final void printMethods(Object pObject,
                                      boolean pOnlyDeclared)
Prints out the methods and return values from a specific object. If the method is not accessible, the access will be enabled. Only methods which starts with 'get', 'is' or 'has' and without parameters will be used.

pObject - an object
pOnlyDeclared - use only declared methods


public static final Method getMethod(Class<?> pBaseClass,
                                     String pMethod,
                                     Class... pParamTypes)
                              throws NoSuchMethodException
Gets the method with the given types. The method needs the public modifier. If there are more than one methods with the same name, the parameterlist will be used to find the fitting method.

pBaseClass - the object class or a super class from which the method will be called
pMethod - invocable method
pParamTypes - parameters for the method
the method
NoSuchMethodException - if Method does not exist.


public static final Method getMethod(Class<?> pBaseClass,
                                     boolean pOnlyDeclared,
                                     String pMethod,
                                     Class... pParamTypes)
                              throws NoSuchMethodException
Gets the method with the given types. The method needs the public modifier. If there are more than one methods with the same name, the parameterlist will be used to find the fitting method.

pBaseClass - the object class or a super class from which the method will be called
pOnlyDeclared - true to use only declared methods
pMethod - invocable method
pParamTypes - parameters for the method
the method
NoSuchMethodException - if Method does not exist.

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