Class ObjectCache

  extended by com.sibvisions.util.ObjectCache

public class ObjectCache
extends Object

The ObjectCache is a utility class to cache/store objects for a period of time. The cache handles the object expiration and the access to the cached objects. The cache stores an object with a unique access key. With this access key it's possible to access the object from the store.

Constructor Summary
protected ObjectCache()
          Invisible constructor, because the ObjectCache is a utility class.
Method Summary
static Object createKey()
          Creates a random acces key.
static Object get(Object pKey)
          Gets an object from the cache.
static Object put(Object pObject, long pTimeout)
          Puts an object to the cache, with a timeout for expiration.
static Object put(Object pKey, Object pObject, long pTimeout)
          Puts an object to the cache, with a specific key and timeout for expiration.
static Object remove(Object pKey)
          Removes an object from the cache.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected ObjectCache()
Invisible constructor, because the ObjectCache is a utility class.

Method Detail


public static Object createKey()
Creates a random acces key.

the access key


public static Object put(Object pObject,
                         long pTimeout)
Puts an object to the cache, with a timeout for expiration.

pObject - the cachable object
pTimeout - the timeout (in millis) for the object. After this time, the object will be removed from the cache
the access key for the object


public static Object put(Object pKey,
                         Object pObject,
                         long pTimeout)
Puts an object to the cache, with a specific key and timeout for expiration.

pKey - the key for accessing the object
pObject - the cachable object
pTimeout - the timeout (in millis) for the object. After this time, the object will be removed from the cache
the previous cached object or null if there was no previous object or the object is expired


public static Object get(Object pKey)
Gets an object from the cache.

pKey - the access key of the object
the object or null if the object was expired or the key was not found


public static Object remove(Object pKey)
Removes an object from the cache.

pKey - the access key of the object
the removed object or null if the object was expired or the key was not found

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