Interface IDirectServer

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public interface IDirectServer
extends IServer

The IDirectServer interface defines a way to handle callbacks direct without callback-ID mapping. It's an extension of IServer because an IServer implementation is usable via EJB. This extension is only needed if the server and the client runs in the same VM.

Method Summary
 void executeActionCallBack(Object pSessionId, ICallBackListener pCallBackListener, String pAction, Object... pParams)
          Executes an asynchronous action call.
 void executeCallBack(Object pSessionId, ICallBackListener pCallBackListener, String pObjectName, String pMethod, Object... pParams)
          Executes an asynchronous method call.
Methods inherited from interface javax.rad.server.IServer
createSession, createSubSession, destroySession, execute, executeAction, executeActionCallBack, executeCallBack, getCallBackResults, getObjectProvider, getProperties, getProperty, getSessionManager, setAndCheckAlive, setNewPassword, setProperty

Method Detail


void executeCallBack(Object pSessionId,
                     ICallBackListener pCallBackListener,
                     String pObjectName,
                     String pMethod,
                     Object... pParams)
                     throws Throwable
Executes an asynchronous method call.

pSessionId - session identifier
pCallBackListener - the callback listener
pObjectName - server object name/alias
pMethod - method name which should be called
pParams - parameters for the method call
Throwable - if an error occurs during execution


void executeActionCallBack(Object pSessionId,
                           ICallBackListener pCallBackListener,
                           String pAction,
                           Object... pParams)
                           throws Throwable
Executes an asynchronous action call.

pSessionId - session identifier
pCallBackListener - the callback listener
pAction - action which should be called
pParams - parameters for the action call
Throwable - if an error occurs during execution

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