Uses of Class

Packages that use Name
com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc Contains all database specific persistence implementations. 

Uses of Name in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc that return Name
 Name Name.clone()
 Name ServerColumnMetaData.getColumnName()
          Returns the name object for that column.
 Name[] Key.getColumns()
          Returns the key columns.
 Name[] ForeignKey.getFKColumns()
          Returns the foreign key columns.
 Name ForeignKey.getLinkReferenceColumn()
          Returns the foreign key column for the LinkReference.
 Name ForeignKey.getPKCatalog()
          Returns the catalog of the primary key table.
 Name[] ForeignKey.getPKColumns()
          Returns the primary key columns.
 Name ForeignKey.getPKSchema()
          Returns the schema of the primary key table.
 Name ForeignKey.getPKTable()
          Returns the primary key table.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc with parameters of type Name
 void ServerMetaData.setAutoIncrementColumnNames(Name[] pAutoIncrementColumnNames)
          Sets the auto increment column names.
 void Key.setColumns(Name[] pColumns)
          Sets the key columns.
 void ForeignKey.setFKColumns(Name[] pFKColumns)
          Sets the foreign key columns.
 void ForeignKey.setLinkReferenceColumn(Name pLinkReferenceColumn)
          Sets the foreign key column for the LinkReference.
 void ForeignKey.setPKCatalog(Name pPKCatalog)
          Sets the primary key catalog name.
 void ForeignKey.setPKColumns(Name[] pPKColumns)
          Sets the primary key columns.
 void ForeignKey.setPKSchema(Name pPKSchema)
          Sets the primary key Schema name.
 void ServerMetaData.setPrimaryKeyColumnNames(Name[] pPrimaryKeyColumnNames)
          Sets the Primary Key column names.
 void ServerMetaData.setRepresentationColumnNames(Name[] pRepresentationColumnNames)
          Sets the Representation column names.

Constructors in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc with parameters of type Name
ForeignKey(Name pPKTable, Name pPKCatalog, Name pPKSchema)
          Construct a Select cache object.
ServerColumnMetaData(Name pName)
          Constructs a ServerColumnMetaData with a specific name.

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