Uses of Class

Packages that use ForeignKey
com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc Contains all database specific persistence implementations. 

Uses of ForeignKey in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc that return ForeignKey
 ForeignKey ForeignKey.clone()
 ForeignKey ServerColumnMetaData.getLinkForeignKey()
          Returns the foreign key for a server side Droopdown list (automatic linked celleditor).

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc that return types with arguments of type ForeignKey
 List<ForeignKey> OracleDBAccess.getFKs(String pCatalog, String pSchema, String pTable)
          Returns all Foreign Keys for the specified table.
 List<ForeignKey> MySQLDBAccess.getFKs(String pCatalog, String pSchema, String pTable)
          Returns all Foreign Keys for the specified table.
 List<ForeignKey> HSQLDBAccess.getFKs(String sCatalog, String sSchema, String pTable)
          Returns all Foreign Keys for the specified table.
 List<ForeignKey> DBAccess.getFKs(String pCatalog, String pSchema, String pTable)
          Returns all Foreign Keys for the specified table.
 List<ForeignKey> DB2DBAccess.getFKs(String pCatalog, String pSchema, String pTable)
          Returns all Foreign Keys for the specified table.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc with parameters of type ForeignKey
protected  String DBAccess.getAutomaticLinkColumnName(ForeignKey pForeignKey)
          Returns the automatic link column name for the specified ForeignKey and FK Column in the master table.
 void ServerColumnMetaData.setLinkForeignKey(ForeignKey pForeignKey)
          Sets the foreign key for a server side Droopdown list (automatic linked celleditor).

Method parameters in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc with type arguments of type ForeignKey
protected  String DBAccess.getFromClause(String pWriteBackTable, List<ForeignKey> auForeignKeys)
          It creates and returns a from clause with joins over all foreign tables.
protected  String[] DBAccess.getQueryColumns(String pWriteBackTable, List<ForeignKey> pForeignKeys, String[] pWriteBackColumns)
          It creates and returns the query columns, with all write back columns and includes the columns for the LinkReferences (automatic link celleditors).

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