Uses of Class

Packages that use DBCredentials
com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc Contains all database specific persistence implementations. Contains classes which handles the validation of username/password combinations, with different protocols and different authentication systems. 

Uses of DBCredentials in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc with parameters of type DBCredentials
static DBAccess DBAccess.getDBAccess(DBCredentials pCredentials)
          Gets the suitable DBAccess for the given DBCredentials.

Uses of DBCredentials in

Methods in that return DBCredentials
static DBCredentials DataSourceHandler.createDBCredentials(ApplicationZone pZone, String pName)
          Creates a new instance of DBCredentials with information provided in a given application.
static DBCredentials DataSourceHandler.createDBCredentials(IConfiguration pConfig, String pName)
          Creates a new instance of DBCredentials with information provided in a given configuration.
static DBCredentials DataSourceHandler.createDBCredentials(XmlNode pNode)
          Creates a new instance of DBCredentials with information provided in xml format.
static DBCredentials DBSecurityManager.getCredentials(IConfiguration pConfig)
          Gets the configured database credentials from a given configuration.
protected  DBCredentials DBSecurityManager.getCredentials(ISession pSession)
          Gets the configured database credentials for the given session.

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