Uses of Class

Packages that use DBAccess
com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc Contains all database specific persistence implementations. 

Uses of DBAccess in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc

Subclasses of DBAccess in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc
 class DB2DBAccess
          The DB2DBAccess is the implementation for DB2 databases.
 class DerbyDBAccess
          The DerbyDBAccess is the implementation for Derby databases.
 class HSQLDBAccess
          The HSQLDBAccess is the implementation for Hypersonic SQL databases.
 class MSSQLDBAccess
          The MSSQLDBAccess is the implementation for MS SQL databases.
 class MySQLDBAccess
          The MySQLDBAccess is the implementation for MySQL databases.
 class OracleDBAccess
          The OracleDBAccess is the implementation for Oracle databases.
 class PostgreSQLDBAccess
          The PostgreSQLDBAccess is the implementation for Postgres databases.

Methods in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc that return DBAccess
static DBAccess DBAccess.getDBAccess(Connection pConnection)
          Gets the suitable DBAccess for the given connection.
static DBAccess DBAccess.getDBAccess(DBCredentials pCredentials)
          Gets the suitable DBAccess for the given DBCredentials.
static DBAccess DBAccess.getDBAccess(String pJdbcUrl)
          Gets the suitable DBAcces for the given JdbcUrl.

Method parameters in com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc with type arguments of type DBAccess
static void DBAccess.registerDBAccessClass(String pJdbcUrlPrefix, Class<? extends DBAccess> pClass)
          Registers the Class for the jdbc url prefix.

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