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The following videos demonstrate how VisionX works.  

  Java and Forms Integration

The existing Summit application was migrated from Oracle Forms to Java. The Java screens are embedded in Forms to facilitate a smooth, step-by-step migration. The Java application can be launched immediately as a web application – using HTML/Ajax – or as a native mobile app on the iPad or iPhone without any changes to the source code.  

  Convert FMBs to Java

VisionX allows you to convert the GUI elements and blocks from FMBs to Java classes. This video shows the step-by-step migration of a screen in the Oracle Forms Summit application, as well as the migration of a more complex form. 
  Forms AddOn

Here you can see how the Forms AddOn is installed and how a new application is created using the Forms application frame. The standard Forms navigation and the Enter Query Mode are shown.
  Repeating Frames in Java

This video shows how the repeating frames feature of Oracle Forms can easily be accomplished in Java. This feature can be very useful in web forms for tasks such as recording multiple addresses.


You can find these and other videos on our YouTube Channel.
