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The following videos demonstrate how VisionX works. 

  VisionX for Java Developers

Here you can see how easy it is to create a Java application using VisionX. The video also shows the revolutionary Eclipse Live Integration, through which changes to the Java source code are immediately visible in VisionX and vice versa. The advantages of visual design are compared to those of manual Java coding.
  Developing an Application

This video shows how quickly and easily an application can be created. A new application is only two mouse clicks away.
  Visual Design

Here you can see the operation of VisionX's "What You See Is What You Get" designer tool. Develop and edit your interfaces in seconds - live and directly.
  LIVE Liferay Portlet Design

This video demonstrates the GUI technology independence. You can deploy a workscreen as a Liferay Portlet as well as on the desktop. Of course the portlet runs as an HTML/Ajax Portlet. The Vaadin UI framework is used.


You can find these and other videos on our YouTube Channel.
